Strive for the best

"I'm sorry for mothers who I respect and appreciate very much. When you have finished talking to me, I understand that I am quite a busy person. So I don't have much time to participate in backbiting. But if you both want to come to the market with me please feel free to I happen to need two personal assistants to carry some of my groceries" said Mrs. Yulia in a relaxed and calm manner.

The two neighbors were suddenly horrified to hear Mrs. Yulia's words, how could she want to be an assistant. The two neighbors raised their lips while looking at each other, they both whispered I don't know what they were saying. Mrs. Yulia then got rid of their bodies in front of her and continued her journey towards the market.

The two neighbors have been sarcastic ever since. "Just look at his behavior, it's very disgusting, it's only right that his daughter is separated" said Sindi.

"Yes, that's true! But I saw that he was quite embarrassed when you humiliated his daughter in front of him," continued Neni, a neighbor who was pretentiously wise in front of Sindi.

But Sindi moved her teeth "But I'm not satisfied, I want to see Yulia crumble and cry on her knees at my feet"

"You take it easy, I will help you to vent your pain Sindi" said Neni while stroking Sindi's shoulder.

"Arghhh... Why is it that every time I see Yulia, my heart never calms down. I really want to grab her hair tightly. What's so great about trying that old woman, even though she's not beautiful at all. Her face is just like that," said Sindi. while rummaging through his belongings. He didn't realize that it was almost broken.

This Sindi is Mrs. Yulia's neighbor, her mouth is really uncontrollable. When he talks he always makes people's hearts ache. Sindi has a close friend named Neni, the two of them are like lovebirds who are always together. For example, if Sindi goes to the market, Neni will definitely come.

"Sindi, come to your senses, look at your things, almost all of them are damaged"

"Really?" Sindi saw it and it was true that her belongings had become dirty.

"I told you we should go home first. You don't have to think about Yulia, it's time for us to act to embarrass Yulia."

"But every time I see him, I remember how he took Mario first. Even though Mario and I almost wanted to get married at that time. But because of Yulia, my relationship with Mario became a mess"

"I understand Sindi how you really feel. Don't remember it again, you'll be hurt"

"Alright! Then we go back to the house"

It turns out that Sindi has a grudge against Mrs. Yulia because Mrs. Yulia married Mr. Mario. Sindi still can't accept the truth. Sindi's heartache makes her a bad woman.

Everyone has a dark past, but everyone's past is different. There are those who can accept and make peace with the situation, there are those who cannot accept and hold grudges until they are old.

City center market.

Mrs. Yulia is shopping for vegetables, she is choosing fresh vegetables to cook later. A few minutes later, Mrs. Yulia had finished shopping. He carried his shopping basket, it looked very heavy but he could afford it. Mrs. Yulia waits for public transportation in front of the market right in front of the highway.

Sweat dripped on Mrs. Yulia's forehead, suddenly a motorcycle stopped in front of her. He greeted Mrs. Yulia with a friendly smile.

"Mother!" Who is Rudi?

Mrs. Yulia was surprised to see Rudi suddenly in front of her "Rudi what are you doing here?" Mrs. Yulia asked.

"I accidentally passed by here and I saw mother"

"Oh I see! How are you? I haven't seen you in a long time?"

"I'm fine, mother." Rudi saw Mrs. Yulia's groceries, he knew that Mrs. Yulia was waiting for public transportation. "How about Rudi take your mother home?" Rudi kindly offered himself.

"No need! I'd better take public transportation"

"It's okay mom, by the way Rudi doesn't have any activities today either"

"No need Rudi! I don't want to bother you"

"Mother is not a bother at all. Let me take you home once in a while" Rudi then got off his motorbike. He lifted Mrs. Yulia's groceries and put them in front. But Mrs. Yulia felt bad, because Rudi was too kind.

"Please come on up"

"Really not troublesome?"

"Not at all mom"

"In that case, okay!" Mrs. Yulia then went up, along the way Rudi wondered about Alma.

"Alma how are you now mother?"

"good alma"

"Alma seems happy now huh"

"Yes hopefully"

"Later, convey my greetings to Alma, yes. Because I can't possibly meet Alma, I don't want my wife to misunderstand"

"Okay Rudi, later I will convey your greetings to Alma"

"Thank you so much mom"

"Actually there is something I want to tell you. But it's not the time yet" said Mrs. Yulia in a sad voice.

"About what mother?" Rudi was actually very curious, but he pretended not to know too much.

"About Alma"

Immediately Rudi stopped suddenly hearing Alma's name. Mrs. Yulia was surprised, luckily she didn't fall.

"Alma why mother?" Rudi asked while looking at Mrs. Yulia. Seeing Rudi's still caring attitude, made Mrs. Yulia think that Rudi still has feelings for Alma. But now that Rudi is married, he can't possibly destroy Rudi's household.

"It's nothing! We'd better go home soon, because mom hasn't cooked yet, I'm afraid if dad gets worried at home"

"Well then. Sorry I stopped suddenly"

"It's okay Rudy"

Mrs. Yulia and Rudi then fell silent, there was nothing to talk about. Some time later they almost arrived, but before approaching Mrs. Yulia's house immediately told Rudi to just get off in front of the highway. Because he doesn't want people to think badly.

"You better stop here," said Mrs. Yulia.

"Why mom? Isn't your house still far from here?"

"I just want to walk. Oh yes, here is some money for you to buy gas" Mrs. Yulia gave money to Rudi.

"You don't have to, mother, you should just use the money for other purposes"

"Just take the money"

"No mother!" Rudi still refused.

Mrs. Yulia then put the money back into her small purse. He immediately brought his groceries, not forgetting Mrs. Yulia to thank Rudi because he was willing to take her near the house.

"Then excuse me first. You be careful when you go home"

"Okay mom!"

Rudi immediately started the motorbike, he then ran it at high speed. He also wanted to get home soon, because he had not had breakfast.