First day isn't going well

*Don't use swearing words on me*

*Don't hit me or yell at me*

*Don't touch my hair, only my daddy can*

*Don't dress me up always,teach me how to do it myself*

*Always read me a bedtime series*

Irish continued reading and reading the rules of a six years old child. They were ten rules in total and they didn't seem to be hard to keep.

"I wish I've just started immediately" Irish said , then continued reading.

*Please be neat, dirty people makes me puke.

*You have to be nice, sweet and intelligent.

*You must make sure i have my fruits before and after my nap.

*You should be able to answer any question i pose.

Irish sighed,the rules are quite challenging but it shouldn't be difficult to keep.


"I heard my brother Ethan is back to California,How brave he could be" Tony said lighting the cigarette in his hand.

"You mean Ethan is back to California? With my daughter and didn't even inform me to come and visit her?" Catherine yelled.