"No. Stop it! Please let me go, Please!" Elsa shouted from her sleep before opening her eyes. She was sweating and she's so scared now.
Elsa stared at the room and the room seems familiar to her, her backpack was beside her as well her phone. She grabbed her phone and stared at the screen, she has two missed calls from Marina and five from Olivia. There's no Freddie's. Elsa sighed and called Marina back but she wasn't picking, she dropped the call and called Olivia.
"Hey" Elsa said and was surprised at how low her voice had become. She was still weak from the incident and it has always happen.
Elsa sighed as tears stormed down her cheeks, she wondered how long this was going to last. How long is she going to continue like this? She hates to remind herself of how weak she is, she's different... She's just too weak for her owe liking.