Chapter 02_The fiance his mother choose


{He owns Her}

Chapter Two.

Adam's Apartment;;; 7:09am

Jasmine's Alarm rang loudly, disturbing her peaceful sleep. She sat up rubbing her puffy eyes.

She felt weak and tired after crying herself to sleep. She face palmed herself reminiscing over everything that happened. Her brother's collapse, his pale look. She knew Jace's running out of time. She knew she had to get the money for the transplant as soon as possible. But how the h*ll is she gonna get 7million? Her salary isn't even up to a hundred thousand. And her savings, just $4,000.

"Rise and shine honey!" Adam said barging into her room. She lifted her face and stared at him.

"Breakfast in bed" He added. He kept it on a stool beside her bed, then sat beside her.

Adam noticed the trace to tears on her face and how swollen it looked. Adam sighed, holding her hands.

"You cried yourself to sleep, didn't you?"

"I couldn't help it Adam, the thought of loosing my brother kept reoccurring" She paused. Her voice sounding weak.


"Did you see how pale he looked? The once happy and lively Jace, turned into a sick Leukemia patient overnight" She sniffed then continued.

"For months, Jace has been in that hospital living on drugs. He's just ten years old Adam, he's not supposed to be in that situation. I should have been in that condition and not him. He's all I have Adam. My parents are gone, won't they be mad at me if anything bad happens to Jace? I'm meant to give Jace a better future, but what have I given him? Nothing... absolutely nothing!" She said bursting Into tears.

Adam rubbed her hands like it could soothe her pain away. He just let her express her feelings.

"I'm sorry Jasmine, it was all my fault. I didn't watch over Jace. Maybe if I was there, then this whole thing wouldn't have happened. It's all my fault"

"No Adam, don't blame yourself. You don't have to watch over Jace and neglect your Job" I said.

"It's okay honey, Jace would be fine" He said then brought out something from his pants.

"This is $8,000 you can add it to Jace's savings" He said handing it to her.

Jasmine squinted her eyes... "What are you doing Adam?" She asked.

"This is the only way I could help" Adam said.

"No! No!... Adam, I can't accept this"


"I mean... You letting my brother and I stay with you is enough. You foot the rents of this apartment and every other thing without letting me pay a dime. I can't even repay that act of kindness. You've always been there for my brother and I, watching over Jace at the hospital.... That's something I'm grateful for. But, I can't accept your money Adam, I don't wanna be a bother"

"You aren't a bother to me Jasmine. Just like you, I have no one as well. You and Jace are like family to me. No, scratch that... You both are my second family, that makes me your elder brother Jasmine. I don't see anything wrong for a brother helping his kid sister and sick kid bro" He said.

Jasmine stared at him,her lips quivering as tears gathered in her eyes. It's true Adam is a little bit older than her, but hearing him address himself as an elder brother, gives her goosebumps. She's always wanted one and now she's found one in Adam.

"Have it, Add it to Jace's treatment fees" He said pushing the money towards her.

Jasmine flew her hands around Adam, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you Adam!" She said.

"Welcome honey" He replied and she pulled away from the hug.

"Together we'll foot Jace's bills" He said and she nodded smiling faintly.

A thought suddenly hit her!

"Adam?" She called... "I know, your salary isn't up to a 100 USD. So..??" She asked.

Adam Cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck... "I.. I.."

"You're stuttering Adam" she said.

He cleared his throat again... "I saved up for it" He said.

I stared at him for a while, then shrugged my shoulders.

He checked his watch.... "it's 7:39 Jasmine, go freshen up and eat your breakfast... Jace must be waiting for us" He said standing up.

I smiled at him... "Thanks Adam" I said.

"Now there's that smile I've missed" He said walking out.

I don't know how, but I know one day, I'll repay your kindness Adam; Jasmine thought.

She quickly ran to the bathroom to freshen up.




City Life Hospital;;;

They both got down from the cab. Jasmine searched through her purse in attempt to pay the fare but Adam beat her to it.

"Bye driver!" Adam waved at the cab driver as he drove away.

Jasmine shook her head... "You should have let me pay Adam". They began to walk into the hospital.

"There's no need honey. You can use that and buy yourself lunch" He said and she kept the money back in her purse.

"Isn't the driver so cute?" He suddenly said.

That's right,, Adam's cute, heavily built, but he's a gay... Such a waste of features.

"I guess so" Jasmine replied.

"The way he stayed focused, Staring at the road, oh! Jasmine, I couldn't help but stare at him" He said.

"Did he notice your stare?" Jasmine asked.

"I don't think so. But I hope I see him next time. I'll surely make him fall for me" Adam said.

"I just hope he's a gay and not Straight" Jasmine said pushing the door to Jace's ward open.

"I sure hope so too" He said and they both walked in.

Doctor Carl is already in, Checking up on him.

"Jasmine!!" She heard Jace's sharp voice call out her name. She felt her heart melt.

"Jace" She called pulling him into a hug. She hugged him tightly. Jace on the other hand didn't complain but hugged his sister wholeheartedly.

They remained in that position for for a while. Adam Cleared his throat.. "Now I'm feeling left out" He said breaking into fake tears.

They remained in that position for for a while. Adam Cleared his throat.. "Now I'm feeling left out" He said breaking into fake tears.

Jace broke the hug and stared at Adam with raised brows.

"Uncle Adam, You know I give you hugs all the time. Just let my sister have some for now" He said and hugged Jasmine back.

Jasmine stick out her tongue at Adam. Then turned to Jace.

"Tell me Jace, How are you feeling? Do you feel pain? Tell me" She asked worriedly.

"I'm fine Jasmine.. Thanks to Doctor Carl. Also cause I have you here with me now" He said and Jasmine pulled him into another hug.

She turned to Doctor Carl and smiled at him... "Thanks Doc"

"It's okay, I'll take my leave now" He said walking out with the nurse behind him.

Jasmine turned to Jace with a serious face. He bent his head, like he knows what She's about to say.

"I'm sorry Jasmine, I was just bored and Uncle Adam wasn't here to play with me. I just want to leave this hospital and go home." He said with the most cutest voice like he was at the verge of crying.

She doesn't want to scold or reprimand him. She doesn't want to. She felt great pity for her little brother. He shouldn't be suffering.

"Jace, Soon You'll be leaving this hospital. I promise you that. Just don't try to stress yourself. I almost had an heart attack when I heard you collapsed" She said.

"I'm sorry for making you go through Alot." He said and she ruffled his hair.

"It isn't your fault Jace. You deserve to get better and you will." She said smiling at him.

He yawned slightly, rubbing his eyes.

"I feel sleepy Jasmine" He said.

Might be the effect of the med; she thought.

"C'mon, Get some sleep" She said helping him to lay down.

"I love you!"

"I love you too Jasmine" He said, closing his eyes, drifting to sleep.

Jasmine sighed turning to Adam. He was busy typing on his phone.

She checked her watch, it's just 8:15am. She still has 45 minutes to go to the Eatery.

"What are you up to Adam?" Jasmine asked try to peek at his phone.

"Just checking out some hot dudes" He said.

She shook her head... Can he get any naughtier?;; She thought

"Don't You have work to do, other than flirting on social media?"

"Well, I'm free today. Today's my off day" He said.

"So, I'll be watching over Jace today. While he's sleeping, I get busy with my phone" He added grinning.

"okay, I have to go now Adam. I'm running late" She said giving him a brief hug.

"Take care honey" He said and she walked to the door.

"You too Adam. Oh, Best of luck getting a hot dude this time" She said shutting the door.

"You bet I will honey" Adam yelled from inside.

Jasmine chuckled, heading out of the hospital.

Nolan's Empire;;;

"Are you sure you're the new secretary?" Liam asked. His right leg crossed over the other.

"Yes sir" The lady said in a tiny voice, smiling.

Liam gazed at her. it's obvious she's not worth being his secretary. She's dressed like a club girl. Her gown, clinging unto her, stops on her mid thigh. The upper part is decorated with a deep V cut, exposing her cleavages and part of her b**bs.

Liam smirked... "What's your be name again?" He asked.

"Linda!" She said smiling... Stylishly using her hand to push up her br*asts.

Liam smirk increased. He picked up his telephone. On a norm, He'd just screw any lady dressed like this in front of him. But this Linda girl, gets him irritated.

"Merry, To my office now" He ordered.

"Do you need something else sir?" She asked while pushing her hair backwards.

The door pushed open almost immediately and Merry walked in.


"Merry, You conducted an interview for a secretary and I believe you did a background check on the one you choose. Am I correct?" Liam asked.

"Yes sir!"

"Now tell me, Why the h*ll did you choose a slut as my secretary?" He said and Merry stared at Linda scrutinizing her dress.

"I'm sorry sir, I'll caution her about the company's policy" She said.

"There's no need for that Merry, She's fired" He said.

Linda gasped falling on her knees... "No, Please sir... don't fire me please"

"Next time, you don't try to seduce your boss. Leave!" Liam said.

"Fine! I'll leave. I wasn't here to be a secretary anyways" She said, stood up and walked away.

Liam turned to Merry... "Conduct another interview and this time, I want someone more competent. Know every details and most importantly, the mental status of the lucky one"

"Yes sir!" She said.

"You can leave" He said and Merry left.

Liam sighed, rubbing his forehead... He's got a sudden migraine.

His phone suddenly rang,,,, It was a private number. I picked up.

"Hey Sugar!!" He heard a sharp voice.

He furrowed his brows, moved the phone away from his ear, stared at the screen then placed it back on his ear.

"Darling!!"The voice came again.

"Hey! I am not your sugar neither am I your darling. This is clearly a mistake" Liam half-yelled.

"You don't have to yell at your fiance Liam Nolan" She said.

Liam squinted his eyes. Could she be the one mom talked about? He decided to give it a try.

"Claudia?" He called.

"You got it baby. Guess your mom told you about me" She said.

"She did" He said plainly.

"Mrs Claudia Nolan.... Sounds sweet right?" She asked and Liam was forced to scream,,, "No it sounds disgusting" But he controlled himself.

He doesn't know why, but he feels getting engaged to this Claudia girl is bad news.

Claudia was still talking when he disconnected and switched off his phone. He puffed out some air... He needs sometime to relax.

Claudia stared at her phone with a confused look. They were just talking so what the h*ll happened?.