It's over Jace....


{He owns


"Jasmine!! Jasmine!! Wake up" She jerked up as Liam continued to tap her gently

She looked around and realized they're still at the hospit

"How long did I sleep" She as

"4 ho

I'd slept for so long. How long does the damn operation take?; She thou

"Are you okay? You were crying" Liam asked cleaning the balls if sweat that formed on her foreh

She touched her cheeks and noticed how wet it is. She recalled how Jace refused to go with

"I had a nightmare Liam, it was so scary" She said wiping her te

"Jace! he's not going to leave me right?" she as

Liam shooked his head negatively then pulled her close... "Nothing's gonna happen to him Jasmin

"I can't bare loosing him. I'll die along with him" She s

Liam felt his heart ripping apart. He can't imagine life without his Jasmine,, it's gonna be worthless. Whatever this feeling is, he never wants it to s

"Any news about him yet?" She asked and Liam shook his h