His ordeal with Jasmine


{He owns Her}

Chapter Thirty Six




"You know I work at the hospital Jasmine, and trust me when I say, I understand some certain things" He said.

Jasmine walked past him and sat on the bed... She was feeling sleepy, she just needs some rest.

"What do you mean?"

"Take a look at yourself Jasmine, You've gained a lot of weight this past few weeks and you look a bit Chubby..."

A loud gasp left Jasmine's lips as she rushed to the mirror. She stared at her reflection and touched her cheeks.

"I gained weight.! . I'm fat!" She lamented,, her eyes tearing up.


"I'm ugly... I look ugly. Now Liam won't love me anymore" She began to sob.

Adam face palmed himself and shook his head.

"Tell me Adam, Do I look ugly?... "

"No Jasmine! You don't... I think it's part of the sign, if actually it's what I'm thinking" Adam said.

"Uhn?... What sign?..."


"Is it some kind of disease?" She asked cutting him off.