

{He owns Her}

Chapter Fourty Nine.




Few hours later!

Everyone had left the ward, leaving just Jasmine and the baby to get a little rest. .

Jasmine used the opportunity to get a little nap, since Aiden's already sleeping soundly. .

She was already so deeply asleep until she began to hear Aiden's cries. Turning slightly, she opened her eyes looking into his cot but it was empty. . Snapping her eyes open, she sat up abruptly and snapped her head towards the direction of the cry. .

Her heart stopped beating and she felt her throat tied. She could hardly breathe... Not only is he back but he's got her baby in his hands. . Worst of all, he's got a knife right close to the baby's neck. .

"Mar.. Martin?" She stuttered when she finally found her voice. .

He raised his head and smiled at her.."Long time no see Jasmine!".