
It was a very beautiful morning when Antonella left. The mountains were green because of the tall trees planted on the area. You can also hear the voices of birds chirping peacefully finding something to eat. The road from their manor was so clean that you cannot see any trash around, the sun is far more high now because it's already late in the morning. Antonella requested to open her window so that she can embrace the pure breeze.

The driver did not reject the lady's request and without any hesitation he opened the window for her.

"Thank you so much Mang Luis" Antonella replied while grinning

"My pleasure Lady Antonella" he smiled

The girl breathed in and out, easing her body with the cool air. Clean air damps on Antonella's skin that made her emotions happy. Antonella notices her phone blinking from notifications, she checked it out and saw Gail's message.

-Hi Antonella! I apologize for my tardiness something came up, promise I'll show up today-

Antonella sighed deeply and gave her friend a response.

-It's ok Gail! I'm still on the road take your time I'm willing to wait for you-

She press the send button and after a few second she got a reply of a happy face.

"Gail is such a sweet child who don't deserve having such maltreatment, I will try my best to cheer her up and help her at all times" Antonella said swiftly

Antonella buckle up her seatbelt and the driver started to hit the road. The scenery were pretty eye catching, the tall green trees are indeed soothing to the eyes. Blue skies and the rising sun made the girl's awareness jump into excitement. Clouds were formed like a cirrocumulus one of the three main genus-types of high-altitude tropospheric clouds. These wide admirations of Antonella towards nature made her mind imagine such small details of your existence. Her vast knowledge and peculiar hobbies is indeed admiring.

"Mang Luis may I open the window?" the girl asked with politeness letting out a beautiful grin while caressing her long blonde hair

The old man scowled and laugh " Miss you can do anything your heart desires there is no need for you to ask for permission"

Antonella just sighed and replied to the chauffeur " Oh Mang Luis please listen you are not just a worker in the manor but also a member of our family. I respect you with my heart's content"

Mang Luis was overjoyed hearing those kind words and compliments from the girl he adore so much since it's early childhood.

A couple of moments passed and they already reached their destination. Parallax Restaurant was one of the top on the country, it served promising dishes such as Fiorentina Steak, Prosciutto di Parma, Snail Caviar, and Italian Pizza. The theme were VIP like, astonishing crews and servers. You can also see the famous opera singer doing her majestic performance and will receive loud applause.

Antonella bid goodbye to her chauffeur and went inside the restaurant. She was welcomed with hospitality, smiles are glistening through the air.

"Greetings My Lady! follow me to your table"

Since the girl is not good at socializing, she just left a smile and follow the waitress with grace. A spectacular reservation pulled her senses up. It was at the VIP lounge of Parallax full of nature and colors. Her eyes sparkles like a 7 year old child, except to her room with tons of artworks. Antonella also adore places related to the cosmos. Her anxiety faded away rapidly. She sit on her chair and was given an appetizer to start her meal.

Antonella was surprised and let out a sigh then asked "Uhmm, Miss can I wait for my apprentice? It's really rude if I start eating when she's still not here"

The lady with a bottle of wine in her hands answered politely "We have received an order Lady Antonella, Lady Gail will be here soon she said you can partake your meals because she don't want you to starve"

Antonella fondle her hair as a sign of her shyness and spoke with dignity "It's ok Gail is my friend let me wait for her"

The waitress just stand aback and bowed it's head respectfully, Antonella checked her phone strolling to her feeds and saw some lavishing comments through her artworks. This girl is truly amazing presenting her masterpiece through the Internet is indeed an amazing achievement you can brag to the whole world.

While searching on her phone Antonella did not notice that Gail was already in front of her standing while wearing a famous brand Louis Vitton beige dress, black sandals, expensive jewelries, and a pitch black bag. Gail chuckled and Antonella jolted through her senses.

"OMG! you scared me Gail" she said while fixing her outfit

"Sorry for that Antonella you look gorgeous" Gail praised

"Oh dear what's more beautiful is seeing you here with that astounding look" Antonella said while holding Gail's eyes

The two ladies continue on their meals ordering the most exquisite dishes on Parallax restaurant.

"I apologize for my tardiness Antonella, I'm the one who invited you here but I'm late" Gail said with her eyes showing tears

"There's no need for you to say such things, It's ok I understand"

Gail's face lit up like a blazing sun and laughed sweetly. Antonella just stared at her and shook her head.

"Let's eat Antonella it's such a waste if we let this food became cold"

After finishing their orders they both got up and decided to walk. Each of the paths they took give out an amazing sceneries with birds flying in the air like a group of scouts arranged tremendously. Gail's heart we're happy, after her twin's incident she never had a time for herself. She spend her days on her room following her mother's hurtful words. She was thorned into pieces not until Antonella came to her life. Gail realizes Antonella gave her a reason to live, not in painful but in a way that will left a trademark to her being.

"Hey Antonella"


"Thank you for this moment"

"Stop saying that it's like a farewell

"Silly, it's too early for that I'm just happy that I met someone like you"

"You flatter my ears"

"I would love to continue flattering you"

"You're funny HAHA"

"Hey let's sit on that bench and we must have a serious chat"

"About what?"

"My Pain"

"You sure? I know it's your privacy can you really share it with me?"

"I trust you, You're my bestie Antonella"

"Same here Gail, just lean your head on my shouders"