Emilia’s POV

About a week later…

I groaned as I tried to pry open my eyes. My eyelashes fluttered allowing a beam of light to hit my eyes but drooped shut the next moment. I felt so exhausted; like someone had sucked out all my energy.

A cold cloth was pressed against my forehead. It dispersed some of the heat making it possible for me to think. The delivery had been a long, sufferable one. I had been in labor for about twelve hours. Nivaan stayed by my side, consoling, encouraging, and bearing the brunt of my mood swings.

Even now, he must be somewhere around. My body was too numb to make any significant movement. So, I focused on the sound around me. At first, I noticed only insignificant things; the whirring of a fan, the beeping of some machine, the swishing of curtains.

Then, I heard a soft gurgle. My heartbeat spiked instantly as an intense urge to see the source filled me. I snapped open my eyes and managed to mutter, “My baby…”