Life was improbable to be consummated with delectation and prosperity. There are moments when you go up as if riding in a big-dipper, you close your eyes with fear consuming, but you still hold your hands high in the air enjoying it. That’s how it goes in our existence. There are pain and pleasure.
As I tried to reach up in the sky, taking my momentum, I felt like the creation had stopped revolving around me, and I was living in an eternal paradise. I have questions, approximately, where am I? Why am I here? Why am I alone? And lastly, what is my purpose here?
But does it matter any longer? Everything I have dreamed of is right here before me. Peace is all I ever wanted. I’m not hanging on a burden. I no longer feel any hatred I felt on earth. Even if I am alone, thus, living by yourself doesn’t mean you are lonely. Who cares about anyone if all they have ever done to you is give you agony? Pain? Suffering?