The bikers and I look at each other with each flabbergasted looks. I wanted to slap myself, unsusceptible to comprehend what was going on. The guy took many pictures with Ethan, entertained and low-key fancying. I let out a distrustful clarion utterance of annoyance. Ethan was just watching the man, either considering slaughtering him or not.
“Man! These are so cool! Anyway, I’m going to get back to work. Catch you afterward, my dude.” he winked at Ethan, then pointed his two fingers at him, squirming his eyebrows. We all watched him get inside the store, looking over through his phones, probably editing the pictures as his souvenir. A deafening blasting hush filled the entire area. I flickered, then looked at the bikers who also looked at me.
“So, what now?” they asked, and I shrugged my shoulders.