Chapter 52: Havoc

I peeked by my side when a man suddenly threw up on the trash can beside me. The awful stench and noise were evident, and I couldn't help but back away while holding the bride off my nose, acting as if I was scratching it when I was not. When he was done, he gradually looked up then our eyes locked for a minute. He roamed his eyes down to my body then he sniggered.

"Well, what a fine lady you are-" before he could wrap up his commendation towards me, someone blocked him. I heard his voice protesting, but Ethan kicked him from behind then he fell off the trash can, his face landing on his puke. I winced, feeling disgusted for him. Ethan wrapped his arms around my waist and guided me away from the man.

"Here," he told me, offering the juice because I said I was thirsty earlier. I accepted it, then said my gratitudes. He watched me drink the juice while I felt his hand tautening around my waist. I looked at him and saw him looking around the zone. His eyes are squinting.