Chapter 73: Open Letter

There are ordeals and tribulations we are somehow going to face in life. Some people might find it challenging to handle. Others took a deep breath before fulfilling. I know hope fills our minds when we are facing obstacles. We pray, beg, and overthink about everything that comes our way. We have no other choice but to accept and learn from it or run away and let the guilt overcome us.

From my perspective, I'm just a simple girl who was dreaming of having a remarkable life with someone I wanted to be with. Someone who will accept me for who I am and who I may want to be. You know, a typical love story to live with someone and enjoy your life together away from the judgment of others. Living in a remote area away from the chaos of the cities.

I stroke Bobby's fur, not realizing I was thinking deeply again while holding Ethan's arms. His eyes were focused on our path, following the sunset that would take us to the middle of nowhere.