Suddenly, Harry spits on his food, making a mess on the table. I duck, dodging the chewed food he burst. While Steve, on the other hand, was too stunned to even move from his spot, he didn't avert his face, and the food landed on his features. Steve threw tantrums, slamming his hands on the table before running out of the kitchen, heading straight to the sink to clean his face.
"Sir Harry! Are you okay?" some maids asked when they hurriedly head to Harry's side, caressing his back. Rena got a glass of water and then gave it to Harry.
I slowly went back to my seat, helping with cleaning the table. I guess Harry didn't expect that.
"Dude! Why did you do that? You're so fucking gross!" Steve argued while throwing his hands in the air with exasperation, gritting his teeth in rage. Harry waved his hand in dismissal, and the maids took a step back, back to their place.
"S-sorry, I was just shocked…I haven't been to a beach before…."