We need to hurry up, and go to that ship! Harry was waving his hand, motioning for us to go onward. He was shielding himself so Auger’s troupes won’t come for us. Ethan was holding my hand securely. My lips were parted slightly, while catching my breath. There were times we almost stumble on something but Ethan was too quick to dodge it.
I could almost see it. The ship was waiting for us. Even a whole populace of football stadium can fit in that. I caught some of his men were waiting in alignment in front of the ship. Some were coming towards our way while holding solid, and heavy guns. I don’t know how Harry manage to call for a back-up that quick, and how any of them did not realize that he was calling someone. However, I am glad that they were so engrossed from their leader’s story.
“You guys need to get there quickly! We’ll hold them off!” Harry shouted at the top of his lungs before firing at someone. The blasting noises was enveloping my ear drum, deafening my hearing.