Chapter 18

The music and dinner were pleasant enough, but Kit found each second that ticked by on the large grandfather clock across the room seemed to take an eternity. While her mother supplied her with several visiting nobles to entertain her, Kit hardly heard a word any of them said. Perhaps she would have found one or two of the men attractive if her mind were not elsewhere. When it was time for her to head off to her chambers, nearly four hours after the festivities had begun, she did so without remembering a single one of the gentlemen’s names.

Her mother had asked her several times what was on her mind, but with each question, Kit had only shrugged and said she wasn’t feeling like herself. As she headed down the long hallway with two other guards beside her, ones she remembered from her secret viewing out the window earlier but could not name, she tried to calm her nerves. It wasn’t as if she was feeling ill, but a stirring inside of her, something like the sensation she’d had leading up to her Proem, was an ever present effervescence, and she wasn’t sure whether she should be giddy or distraught.

The guards were silent as they led her down the hallway, and hardly another person was present as it was late, and most of the castle staff would’ve retired hours ago unless they were in the other wing helping with the dinner. The blister on her heel began to annoy her again, but she ignored it, trying to think instead of what was before her. She wondered if either of these gentlemen knew what she had planned with one of their fellow guardsmen.

They led her to her own chamber door, and she assumed that meant they were not informed, which was just as well. She would need the advice of Avinia and Isla before she went down the hall to the other chambers, the one she was to use for her Exploration now and then again for her Choosing when it was time. Although the room wasn’t required for any interaction she may have, during the Choosing it would be the primary place where she would invite the Representatives to pleasure her. It was especially designed for such activities, with a large, plush bed, and had an elongated antechamber for privacy. There was also a secret hiding place she could access, though she wasn’t sure why she might need it. Her mother had said she would know if it was ever necessary to use it and that she would tell her more later. Kit had only stared at her dumbfounded unable to see why it would ever be necessary.

“My Princess,” the taller of the two guards said as he opened the door. She nodded and walked through, noticing he had a slight smirk on his face, and she wondered if he had seen the girls spying or if he knew she wouldn’t be staying in her own chambers long.

Avinia and Isla were standing just inside the door, their hands fidgeting as they looked at her in anticipation. “Well? How was it?” Avinia asked. “Did you meet any suitable noblemen?”

“Did you invite any of them to your chambers?” Isla asked, her mouth split in a grin.

Kit could feel her face turning red. “Ladies, it wasn’t I who did the propositioning, and it wasn’t a nobleman, but you must help me prepare. I am scheduled for an encounter in my other chambers shortly.”

Squeals of delight from her cousins nearly deafened her, and before she knew what was happening, they began to pluck her clothing from her, replacing her long, full gown and even her underclothing with only a thin, white shift. It wasn’t her ordinary nightgown. Rather, it was made of softer material and had intricate lace at the bodice, which was cut lower than usual. The tops of Kit’s breasts peaked up over the edge in soft mounds, and Kit stared down at them as if they were foreign to her.

“You’re about to find out what those are for,” Isla teased, winking at her. She grabbed Kit’s thick red robe from its place near the bed and held it out so that the princess could slip her arms in. It wouldn’t do to walk down the hallway without it, particularly since the shift was so thin.

“Here are your satin slippers, my Lady,” Avinia said in an overly formal fashion.

Kit slid them on, glad to have something other than the offensive boots on her feet. “Very good.” She took a deep breath. “Now, any advice?”

“Who is it?” Avinia asked, leaning down as if there were others nearby who might overhear.

“Yes, is it anyone we know?” Isla asked, still smiling like a small girl at the circus.

Wrinkling up her nose, Avinia asked, “It isn’t that Dullen, is it?”

“No, of course not,” Kit replied, though she still didn’t quite understand why he was so repulsive to them. “If you must know, it is the guard from earlier, the one who watched us spy on the others.”

“The tall one with muscles that ripple against his uniform?” Isla licked her lips slowly.

“Terrowin?” Avinia asked, a little more surprised than excited it seemed.

“Yes, that’s him.” Kit hoped he would meet her oldest cousin’s requirements.

A slow smile spread across her face. “Yes, I think that he will do you well.”

Kit thought there might be something Avinia was holding back but didn’t have time to guess what it was. “That’s delightful to hear.” She took another deep breath and realized her hands were shaking.

“Do not fear him,” Avinia said placing a hand on her shoulder. “He will be gentle with you. He will teach you what you need to know.”

Realization washed over her as Kit came to understand her cousin’s expression. She knew Terrowin would take care of her because he had already pleasured Avinia. Kit assumed it must’ve been during her cousin’s Exploration because he didn’t seem as if he could’ve been a Representative, but then she had no idea how old he was or what his history was precisely, only that he was older than Kit, and she agreed he would serve her well.

“I suppose… I’m ready, then,” Kit said, rubbing her palms on the side of her robe to dry them of perspiration.

“All right. Will you return to this chamber tonight or sleep there?” Isla wanted to know.”

“I haven’t the foggiest,” Kit admitted.

Avinia gave a gleeful giggle, but it sounded forced, like she wanted to be happy for Kit, though she was actually concerned. “Have fun, cousin. That’s what pleasuring is all about.”

Kit nodded, drew in the deepest breath yet, and headed slowly toward the door. When she opened it, the two guards who had just escorted her to her room were still standing outside. Neither of them looked surprised to see her. “I am going to my other chambers,” she said, her head downcast and her eyes never leaving the smooth stone of the floor.

“Yes, my Princess,” the tall one said, and he turned and headed in that direction. She followed, the other guard behind her.

It only took a moment to reach the other room. The lead guard opened the door for her. She ducked inside, and the door closed behind her.