Chapter 23

“What do the gentlemen do now?” Blankka asked, pulling the gown they’d decided on earlier in the day out of the wardrobe. The dress she would wear to dinner was heavily beaded but made of a light yellow material.

“Well, they will move into their chambers as they arrive. They can keep a liegeman with them, but everyone else must stay outside of the castle. The servants who will stay with them throughout the time they are asked to dwell at Wrenbrook are allowed to put up tents in the fields behind the castle, though I have no idea why any of them would need more than one servant,” Avinia explained with a shrug. She gestured for Kit to move onto the stool in front of the mirror so they could start doing her hair, and the princess ignored her. A sharp clearing of her voice had Kit sighing and pulling herself to her feet, tromping the few steps to the stool and collapsing once more.