Chapter 36

Kit had pushed her way through the double doors when she spotted Jecobian standing on the wide porch waiting for her. He turned with a broad smile on his face, and taking her arm, led her down the wide, marble steps, a little way away from her guards. Behind him, she could see groups of Representatives dotting the yard. Some of them were sitting on the grass carrying on conversations, others were headed in the direction of the largest barn, while Cassius and about half of them were standing in a group not too far away. He held a slingball in his hand, and Kit assumed he was organizing a game. As intrigued as she was that Jecobian wanted to speak with her, it had been ages since she’d watched a good slingball match, and she’d love to see one again.

“My darling Princess, how are you?” Jecobian said taking both of her hands and spinning her to face him. “I wasn’t able to sleep a wink last night for thinking of you.”