Chapter 79

Jaterius had been aware of Princess Katrinetta all night, but it wasn’t until he actually heard her speak his name that he turned to acknowledge her for the first time. While he would’ve loved to have had the opportunity to dance with her, it just wasn’t in him to throw his hand in her face every time a dance ended as it seemed so many others were doing. He wished he could be as confident as Cassius, strolling up to her and demanding the others move aside through the power of his presence, but that wasn’t who Jate was either, so when he heard her soft voice calling his name, he was startled to see she was demanding his attention.

The men moved aside for her, though some of them seemed reluctant, and she came to stand before him, looking up into his hazel eyes. “Jate, how are you this evening? I haven’t had a chance to speak to you at all.”