Chapter 83

Taking a step back, Kit realized that her gown had dozens of hooks up the back of it. There was absolutely no way she could’ve gotten out of it herself. They should’ve planned better when they chose her dress, knowing her ladies wouldn’t be with her to remove it. If it had been Cassius before her, the silver gown would’ve been crumpled on the floor moments after they entered the chamber. Something told her it might take Jaterius a wee bit longer.

Nevertheless, she had no choice. Spinning around, she asked, “Can you unhook me?”

She stood like that for a long moment before glancing back over her shoulder. “Unhook you?” he asked, his hands in the air near the top hook but not actually touching her.

“Yes, I know there are a lot of them, but they all unhook the same way.” Her hair was up out of the way, so that shouldn’t be a factor. Neither should her necklace, but she took that off and tossed it on the bed, just in case.