Chapter 102

The sound of footsteps had Kit turning her head. At first, she’d hoped it was Eli, come to find her amidst her books again, but when she saw it was Pierce, she tried not to look too disappointed. In the past few days, she’d been doing her best to find interest with him. He was nice looking, intelligent, and from what she could tell, a good fellow to have around when one needed information. But despite her best efforts, seeing him didn’t cause her heart to soar the way it did when her eyes fell on some of the others.

“Ah, there you are, Princess,” the blond said with a smile. “I have been searching for you.” He pursed his lips together in a quirky grin.

“Good afternoon, Pierce. How are you today?”

“Good, good,” he replied coming to a halt next to her. “I have found out some information I thought you might want to know.”