Chapter 120

“Lady Sephorina,” Eli said, both surprise and apprehension noticeable in his tone. “It’s... nice to see you.”

“You as well,” Seph replied as the two parties finally met up just a few doors away from the ladies’ destination. “Congratulations on your... appointment. I was very surprised when my mother described the turn of events.” She offered her hand and he took it, brushing his lips across her knuckles as was to be expected, but Galter and the other guardsmen hung back, saying nothing at all. Kit met the dark-haired guard’s eyes for a moment, and she couldn’t tell if he was bewildered or amused.

“Thank you,” Eli said hastily. His eyes were darting around as if he weren’t quite sure where to look. “No one was as surprised as I was.”

Kit begged to differ but kept her thoughts to herself. “How do the two of you know each other?” she asked, curiosity overcoming her need to whisk Seph far, far away from her Eli.