Chapter 126

All three of Kit’s ladies were waiting in her room, impatiently pacing and wringing their hands. “Katrinetta!” Avinia exclaimed, embracing her the moment she stepped through the door. “How are you?”

“I’m fine—just fine,” Kit assured them. “But be careful. I believe there’s blood on my robe.”

“What in the world...?” Seph asked, not quite finishing the inquiry.

“I have a suspicion my mother will send for me soon, so perhaps I should get dressed.” Kit headed for the adjoining room, her ladies exchanging glances and following along. “Something relatively comfortable, please.”

Avinia stepped to the closet as Kit took the robe off, trying not to look at the bloodied hem. Her slippers were also saturated with red, as was the bottom of her nightgown. “How is this one?” Avinia held up a light pink, simple gown which Kit could wear over a chemise with no stay.