Chapter 128

It seemed as if her eyes had only been closed for a few moments when the sound of voices from the antechamber had her blinking in that direction. She noticed Avinia was gone even without rolling over as the warmth from that side of the bed had dissipated. Deciding it was too much trouble to actually sit up or look, Kit kept her eyes closed and tried to determine what she was hearing.

“How is your arm?” Avinia asked in a quiet whisper. “Did Armant stitch it up?”

“It’s fine. Yes, he did and wrapped it with a poultice.” Even though he was whispering, Kit would’ve known Eli’s voice anywhere. “How is she doing?”

“Not well. She pretends to be stronger than she is, which I think is helpful, but I keep waiting for that hard exterior to crack and the little girl we both know so well to reappear.”

“I don’t think you give her enough credit, Vinny. She’s grown up a lot these past three years.”

Vinny? Kit thought to herself. Since when did Eli have a nickname for Avinia?