Chapter 138

It wasn’t difficult to convince the queen that Kit was in a foul mood. All she had to do was think about all of the awful things her mother had done to the people over the years, and Kit was nearly shaking with anger. Redirecting that angst against something she could voice wasn’t even too trying since both Seph and Eli made good targets, not to mention there was the situation with Merek. When her mother asked her what was troubling her, Kit had said, “What is there to be happy about?” and thought she caught a small smile on her mother’s lips.

“Your labyrinth maze is tomorrow,” Rona reminded her, cutting into a roasted lamb chop. “You must be excited for that.”

“I would be if I wasn’t thinking about how some of my men might be overly anxious to have a chance to kiss my ladies instead of me,” Kit pouted.