Chapter 144

The skies were growing darker on the periphery of what Eli could see over the hedge, but the sound of water he heard in the distance wasn’t the rain—it was the fountain. He prayed he’d reach the landmark before Kit did, but it would be difficult to know for sure if she had already passed unless he came out of the passage and examined the area for footprints. Hopefully, he’d picked up enough time along the way that he’d get there just in front of her.

The sound of bubbling grew louder as he followed a rounded row of shrubbery past several tempting turns until he was certain the fountain was just ahead to his left. Eli paused briefly to catch his breath so that he wouldn’t give himself away. Kit was able to detect him so easily just from his scent or the feel of his eyes on the back of her head, the last thing he needed was for her to hear him.