Chapter 175

He was running his fingers up and down her arm, a soothing sensation, but also arousing. The scent of his woodsy cologne and the feel of his pectorals beneath his clothes had Kit’s mind going elsewhere. She became aware that he was having similar thoughts when his manhood began to harden against her bottom. Thoughts of the way Landon had taken her the night before came to mind. It had been exciting to try something different, and he’d been able to drive in so deeply, Kit felt herself getting wet just thinking about it.

But it wasn’t Landon she wanted right now, nor did it have to be in that new, interesting position. She’d take Cassius however he wanted, wherever he wanted. Knowing his thoughts were in the same place, she leaned up and found his lips. He was wanton, and opened wide, devouring her mouth in a hot kiss that left Kit gasping for air. His hand lifted from her hip and kneaded her breast which suddenly had far too many layers covering it.