Chapter 179

On her way to find Cassius, Kit thought about what Danyen had revealed to her. It made little sense that Pierce would be going to meet the queen considering the route he had taken. But what else could he be up to?

Cassius was in the Representatives’ lounge, but he wasn’t telling a story. He was standing by the window, staring out at the courtyard, thoughtful. Kit almost hated to interrupt him, but she needed to get a move on. She waved at some of the other Representatives as she approached but made it clear she was there for one purpose only.

He turned at her approach, and his expression changed from reflective to affectionate. “Back so soon, beautiful?” he asked, stooping to kiss her cheek. She wished it had been her lips but knew that was for the sake of the others. “How was your conversation with Danyen? Did he have the answers you seek?”