Chapter 191

Danyen was quiet all the way to her room. Kit could only imagine he was thinking about their plan, that or he was also worried she’d irritated the queen to no good end. Once in her chambers, her ladies dismissed for the night, they did not proceed the way she normally would when sharing her bed with a man. Instead, Kit sat on her chair by the window, and Danyen sat on the stool in front of her dressing table. It was the safest way to make sure they did not grow distracted by each other’s company.

“You do realize it’s not even the middle of the night yet, don’t you?” Danyen asked, his voice enlightening her to the fact that he was having trouble keeping his distance.

“Yes, I know. But I always grow sleepy after a good pleasuring, and I would hate to think I might be unable to get out of bed and carry out my plans.”

He chuckled. “What if I promise to keep it quick and to do all of the work?”