Chapter 206

Rarely did Kit’s cousin Avinia call her by her nickname, so this was her making a point. Kit didn’t want to see her leave. She was worried enough about Gy and Seph, now that she’d let her go. “Please stay. Or change into your regular clothing first so that if they see you, they will only question why you are up and not your motivation. When my mother realizes my father has gone missing, she will start asking questions. She will believe he could not possibly have gotten out of the castle unassisted. Did anyone see you and Cassius?”

“Only Fim who works in the stables.”

“Did my father leave the castle alone?” The thought of the duke, who was in his late fifties now, riding out on his own to some distant land, made Kit uneasy.

“Yes, but he didn’t have far to go to reach his first destination. He will have an escort after that.”

She shook her head. Still terrifying. “How will we know he’s made it?”

“I already know he’s made it. They sent an owl, a sign of safe passage.”