Chapter 215

Kit had a thousand more questions she wanted to ask, but all of them slipped her mind as his mouth enveloped hers. Warm and soft, gentle at first, but increasing in pressure as she parted her lips for him, Kit was reminded of how much she had missed him, and how their last conversation had not been as amicable as the discussion they were having now.

His tongue twined its way around hers as one hand slipped down her side, taking hold of the fabric of her gown and gathering it higher up her thigh, and his other hand encircled her neck. Both of her palms were pressed against the front of what she could only imagine was a borrowed uniform—one of the questions she’d meant to ask which she no longer had time for. As he leaned in closer to her, Kit spread her knees around his hips and scooted to the edge of the bed, making her finest attempt to meld her body into his.