Chapter 225

Once they arrived at Kit’s room, Vin ordered Kit’s guard out of the way so that he could set up shop outside of her door, but the princess didn’t wait for them to negotiate. Instead, she opened the door for herself and went in, barring it behind her.

“Katrinetta!” Avinia flew at her, followed closely by Seph and Isla. The four of them stood with their arms around each other for several minutes, despite the confrontation happening on the other side of the door. “How are you?” Avinia took a step back and looked her cousin over. “Are you well?”

“I’m fine.” Physically it was true. Kit glanced over her shoulder, just as she heard Galter demand his men be left at their station. Taking her cousins by the elbow, she led them away from the door, and Seph followed. “Have you heard from Cassius?”

“No, he was sent for this morning, and he hasn’t returned.” Isla was biting her lower lip, a sign she was worried.