Welcome back, My Ex

“Thank you for helping me. I’ll make my payment first then,” I said as I started heading towards the payment sign.

“That’s ok. I’ll handle it,” Adrian quickly said.

I felt the girl’s curious eyes on me, so I turned to smile down at her before shifting my attention back to Adrian.

“It’s ok. You’ve helped me enough. I should go now,” I said before walking out of the emergency room.

After providing my personal information to the hospital so that they could process my case and making the payment, I left the hospital to head to my original destination. While waiting for a cab in front of the hospital building, my eyes caught sight of the large metal sign of the hospital’s name. Amsworth General Hospital. It only took me a split of a second to connect the dots together. How come I didn’t realize it the first time that I heard his name? No wonder he looked familiar.