Losing It

“Let’s start reading the lines. We’re not physically acting it out yet but try your best to put emotion into your voice. This is a very emotional scene. She just lost her parents, she is scared, she is devastated so on and so forth. EROS, you try your best to comfort her,” Doreen instructed.

My hand clenched harder around the script as I felt increasingly dizzy. I tried not to look down at the lines, instead, I looked over at EROS.

“Ok…” he said.

“Let’s start. I’ll be Naomi for you because you have to be Dylan. From the top please,” Doreen said.

“Naomi…are you ok?” EROS said, basically reading the script.

Doreen frowned by decided to go on.

“I’m so scared. I don’t know what happened. Why did my parents…” Doreen said while sobbing.

She wasn’t crying but it sounded like she was. Wow…

“Let’s go to my room for now,” EROS said emotionlessly.

Doreen sighed softly but decided to continue.

“Thank you for helping me…” Doreen mumbled sadly.