Emotional Business

EROS nodded and sat down next to me on the sofa. He sat down so close to me that our thighs were practically touching. I scooted over a little to put some space between us, but my effort was thwarted when EROS moved over as well. In the end, we had our thighs pressed against each other again.

“Where’s your script?” I asked, eager to start so that we can get this over and done with as soon as possible.

“Before that, can you tell me what really happened yesterday?” EROS asked.

“What are you referring to exactly?” I asked.

Honestly, I didn’t want to recall the episode from yesterday or tell him about it.

“When you walked out, you had a very troubled look on your face. I could be wrong, but it looked like you had seen a ghost. You looked…so scared…” EROS said softly as his golden eyes met mine.

My heart skipped a beat, and I wasn’t certain if it was because of his maddeningly hot looks or the genuinely worried expression in his eyes.