Meeting My New Daughter

“Please come in. Millie is home already and she’s waiting for us,” Adrian said as he took my hand in his again.

By that time, I had gotten quite used to having him hold my hand and I had to admit that I did not dislike his touch. Adrian led me inside his mansion and the interior was as impressive as the exterior. A middle-aged woman who I assumed was a senior maid in the house greeted us politely.

“Where is Millie?” Adrian asked.

“She’s waiting for you in the living room right now with her nanny,” the woman replied before smiling politely my way.

“This is Elena,” Adrian introduced me in short.

“It is an honor to meet you, Miss Elena. My name is Gloria and I head the maids in this house. If you need anything, please let me or any of the maids know,” the old maid said before bowing politely to me.

“Thank you very much. You are so kind,” I replied politely.

“Let’s go,” Adrian said as he tugged on my hand for me to follow him.