How it was Between Us

“Brandon…” I said his name louder this time as my hand started pulling on his arm to let me go.

The more I pulled, the more his arms wrapped tighter around my waist. He’s hugging me so tightly that it’s starting to get harder to breathe. I’m going to kill him when he wakes up…

His body heat enveloped me along with his smell. It was like he was sucking me in and absorbing me as a part of him. We were so close with his body pressed all along my back. His regular breathing stirred the small hair close to the nape of my neck and made my body tremble slightly. His leg over my body felt heavy and I couldn’t move my lower body at all. I’m trapped…

“Oh, Brandon…you look like a ghost. You’ve been working non-stop again, right?” I asked as a very-tired looking Brandon walked into our bedroom.

“You were away for too long…” he muttered a complaint with a dissatisfied look on his face.