Clean Me Properly

He’s still mad, I knew it. Even though I let him comfort me and I gave him so much pleasure. Even after we went all the way, he was still mad at me. For some reason that I didn’t understand, I didn’t want him to be angry at me. I knew that what I did was wrong, and I wanted his forgiveness more than anything. I could recall the look on Sean’s face when he stormed into the room to rescue me from his father, and I could clearly see the hurtful look on his face as we rode the elevator together to his floor.

Without knowing what had taken over me, I started sobbing and then large drops of tears flowed down my cheeks as I started crying for real.

“Don’t cry, Elena,” Sean comforted me softly when he saw that I had started crying.

“But you’re so mad at me right now…” I mumbled in between the sobs that shook my body.

“Stop crying. I’m not mad anymore…but please don’t go near him again…” Sean warned sternly.