Spending Night with Him

“Sleep here tonight,” Sean said as he tugged on my hand to keep me from leaving.

I turned towards him before glancing down, afraid to meet his pleading gaze. If I looked at him, I felt like my resolve would melt into thin air.

“No, I should go back…” I told him softly.

“You will sleep here with me tonight,” Sean insisted firmly.

As if he was scared that I would escape from him, Sean pulled me into his embrace and wrapped his arms around my body tightly. I could smell the smell of his soap along with his smell as I breathed him in. His hair was still damp from the shower that we shared, and he looked so homey and so different from the usual EROS that I was used to that it was hard for me to believe that this man was the same superstar that captured the hearts of millions in his hands.

“EROS…” I mumbled as I tried to push against his chest.

“Call me Sean…” Sean urged in a low whisper before he placed a soft and sweet kiss on my forehead.