I glanced over at Adrian when I started smelling some very good beef being cooked. It seemed like he knew how to cook quite well. I wondered if he used to cook often. Maybe he did when his wife was still alive. It was just a thought that fleeted through my mind, and I never asked him about it.
“Wow. It’s coming along quite well,” I commented to make some conversation.
“Your carbonara smells great too,” Adrian complimented.
“Thank you. Do you need some help? I think I’m pretty much done with my dish,” I announced proudly.
“You can help me a little over here with the red wine sauce,” Adrian said.
I watched him cook the steak from a distance. The sound of the beef sizzling on the grill sounded appetizing but the fire that was emitted from the grill wasn’t something that I wanted to get close to.
“Sure, I can do that. What should I do?” I asked.
“I’ve got everything prepared so you can just help me put in the various ingredients while I stir...” Adrian instructed.