Kindly Holding Back

Millie’s caretaker was there to take her off our hands when we arrived back at the mansion. After a rough night, I felt quite tired already and was looking forward to some rest. After saying my farewells to Millie, Adrian quickly offered to drive me back to my place.

“I’m going to send Elena back to her place now so be a good girl and stay with your nanny, ok?” Adrian asked as he patted the top of Millie’s head.

“Ok…” she replied obediently.

I watched as her nanny led her way in the direction of her room. Adrian led me to the car and we were on our way back to my place. I was really looking forward to a night of good sleep. Traffic was light and we arrived in almost no time at all at the usual intersection where he would let me off.

“Are you sure that you don’t want me to drive you all the way?” Adrian asked.

I did end up spending the night with him, but I still preferred to keep my place to myself…for now.