Until I Wanted Him

“That’s crazy…” I murmured.

“I won’t put it in. Is that, ok?” he asked softly.

His face was now right in front of mine and his lips were almost touching mine. Still, he waited for me to agree to his proposal. Maybe, he’s learning a little about self-restraint and patience.

“Ok…” I whispered.

His lips crushed down on mine before I could say anything else. The heat of his lips on mine made me feel hot all over. His kiss wasn’t rushed but it was still very demanding. EROS kissed me from various angles before his tongue slowly teased my lips open for him. I moaned softly as I parted my lips invitingly for his tongue to enter my mouth.

EROS thrusted his tongue deftly into my mouth without hesitation before it began exploring its wet depths. His hands slipped between our bodies to play with my breasts as our kiss deepened. His tongue teased mine until I began kissing him back. I could feel his excitement as he eagerly teased and tasted me.