Chapter 3

The girls were all sitting around the outdoor table setting when I came down from my private little sanctuary. Plates were already laid out, and I found an empty seat beside Emily with my cutlery and plate piled high with food.

"Hey, everyone," I said with a small wave as I approached the table.

The girls gave their own greetings, ranging from broad smiles to a big hug from Emily as she rose from her chair to greet me. Amanda smiled as she saw the embrace between her sister and me, and I felt she was pleased to see her siblings getting along. She had a mother hen vibe that I suspected came from being the eldest and the one to keep her family together when her father died. From the little we spoke over email, I found out her mother had been mostly out of the picture when our father died, and they hadn't wanted her back because of her behaviour. That left Amanda to raise her younger sisters. It still baffled me how a parent could up and leave her children so callously, but not everyone was suited for parenthood.

I took my seat beside Emily and gazed over the mountainous pile of food they'd given me. There was a huge T-bone steak with gravy and roasted potatoes, a large pile of green beans, peas, and broccoli heaped beside it, and even a bundle of golden fried potato chips. It was a lot of food for anyone, but after the shitty airline meals, I had no doubt I'd devour the entire plate.

I looked around the table before digging in, unsure if they had a custom before eating. My mother and I never had, food was food, and we ate to keep our bodies fuelled so we could work to keep the roof over our heads. My grandparents had been quite religious and insisted on saying grace before every meal, even though my grandmother looked worried I'd burst into flames each time. I didn't think my siblings would have any religious streaks, but I didn't want to start on my food until I was sure. I also noticed the varying degree of meal changes between dishes and wondered how Amanda had done this all in such a short time.

Emily's plate had the same meal prepped as I did—all bar the fried chips—only in less volume. Erica had a T-bone steak with a pile of green veggies beside it that dwarfed my own, and Amanda looked to be having a highly seasoned chicken. But Mel had no meat at all, only veggies and what looked like tofu.

"She's vegetarian," Emily said when she saw me checking out her twin sister's plate.

"Not by choice," Mel sighed. "I have a genetic disorder called hemochromatosis."

"That's where you can't absorb iron well?" I asked.

"Correct," Mel smiled. "So, I mostly stick to white meat and substitutes like tofu. I can eat steak on special occasions, and I would have loved one tonight, but my iron levels have been too high lately."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I replied. "My grandfather had the same issue but ignored all the health advice and kept eating red meat."

"Dad was the same," Emily added.

A silence passed over the table at the mention of our father, the man I never knew. They probably had fond memories of the man and missed him greatly, but I still felt a pang of pain that I never knew him and never would.

"Amanda has the same disorder, but it isn't as bad for her," Mel added after a dozen seconds.

"I just got lucky," Amanda added.

"But that's why you're eating chicken?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"Well, I'll be sure to keep that in mind for when it's my turn to cook," I said to the group with a smile.

"You cook?" Erica asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, my mum was a terrible cook, so I learned how and cooked all our meals," I replied.

"Dad was a great cook too," Mel said, studying me thoughtfully.

We ate in relative silence after that. I thanked Amanda for the great food and was pleased to hear there was another steak in the oven if I was still hungry. I made sure the others didn't want it before fishing it out and devouring it in record time. I rarely had steak back home since it was so expensive, only treating myself to it when I was getting into some heavy weightlifting for the protein, and it was usually the cheapest cut I could find. I wondered if they ate this well each night and what the girls did for work.

The house was immaculate, and the neighbourhood looked great, so they must have had decent jobs. I'd have to find something to do so I could pitch in and pay my way, the money I had from selling the apartment would only get me so far. That's if they let me stay here permanently. Erica was sure to want her flat back eventually.

Once all the meals were finished, Amanda got to her feet and began clearing the table. Emily joined her a few seconds later, and I got to my feet to give them a hand.

"It's fine, Nick, you just relax," Amanda said with a smile.

"I don't mind helping out. I did this sort of thing a lot back home," I replied.

"That's all well and good, but for now, you're our guest. Just relax, you've had a long trip, and I'm sure you're exhausted," Amanda insisted.

"Yeah, bro, let us take care of you," Emily chimed in with a friendly smile.

Rather than argue the point, I decided to let them win this round, but I wouldn't feel comfortable letting them do all the work in the long term. I sat back in my seat and pulled my cigarettes out, mainly to keep my hands busy. I looked to Amanda, and she gave me a nod of confirmation, letting me know It was okay for me to smoke here. I lit one up and took a long draw before exhaling with an audible sigh of relief. There really wasn't much better than a smoke after a great meal. I just wished I had some whiskey to go with it. As if reading my mind, Erica got to her feet and disappeared inside, returning a moment later with a bottle of Jack Daniels.

She waved the bottle in my direction, and I replied with a wide grin. I scooted my chair back and went to the outdoor bar I'd seen earlier, grabbing five glasses and returning to the table. Erica added ice to two of them, then poured the brown coloured liquid. I usually drank my whiskey with a mixer, but occasionally I'd sip a glass straight.

"Cheers," Erica said, holding her glass out.

"Cheers," I replied, clinking my glass to hers.

After the girls finished the dishes inside, they joined Erica and me for a drink. I noticed Mel didn't touch any alcohol, only drinking the soft drink we'd started mixing into our whiskey. The next hour passed in a flash, mostly my sisters telling stories of shenanigans they'd gotten up to in their youth, some more embarrassing than others. As it turns out, Erica was quite a wild child, but I could have guessed that with how open she was about flaunting her spectacular body and even flirting with her own brother. I didn't think it was anything serious, so I put it to the back of my mind.

I'd been much better at controlling my sexual urges after I had a few drinks. The women still looked incredibly hot, but I was more relaxed now that the initial meeting and attraction were out of the way. Although I still caught myself checking out Amanda's ass when she bent down to pick something up or Erica's well-displayed cleavage. She saw me once but simply smiled without saying a word.

"Well, I think it's time for a swim," Erica announced. We were all a little drunk—apart from Mel—and a swim sounded great. I still wasn't accustomed to the warmer climate.

I got to my feet and walked over to the edge of the pool. The cover was still over the water, but I spotted Emily jog over to the spool to which the cover was attached. She flicked a switch, and a motor thrummed to life. The spool started turning slowly, dragging the dark blue cover away from the water's surface, showing the pristine waters it had been protecting. The water was lit up by blue lights at the bottom, giving it an other-worldly glow.

"Last one in brings the drinks!" Erica yelled.

I turned around at the exact moment her top came over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra, and her glorious mounds sprung free from their confines, nipples already hardened. I tore my eyes away mere seconds after landing on Erica's magnificent rack, but the image of her beautiful orbs was burned into my mind. Suddenly I was very confined in my jeans.

"Erica! Bathing suit!" Amanda called out.

"We always do this, though," Erica whined.

I turned back for a moment to see Erica had her tight shorts halfway down, wiggling her hips to shimmy the almost non-existent garment down her spectacular legs. I quickly pulled my eyes away before I could be seen gawking at my half-naked sibling.

"Yes, but now we have company, our brother," Amanda frowned.

"We're all family here," Erica shrugged, then dropped her shorts to her feet.

She was now only wearing a tiny pair of lace panties that were more of an idea than a garment. She showed no signs of being uncomfortable being so near naked in front of me, and she strode by without even giving me a glance before diving into the pool. The others began removing their clothing but stopped at their underwear before diving into the pool, except for Amanda. She frowned at her sister before shaking her head.

"I'm so sorry about her," she apologized. "Erica is free-spirited, has been her whole life. She does what she wants and rarely listens to anyone, especially me."

"It's okay," I shrugged. "As she said, we're all family."

I smiled at Amanda, then turned to face the pool. I pulled off my jacket, boots, and socks before pulling my t-shirt over my head and tossing it onto my chair. As I turned back to the pool, I caught a glimpse of Amanda at the doorway, and I swore I saw her eyes on my chest before she darted inside. I shrugged at what was probably my imagination playing tricks on me and turned back to the pool.

My next issue was I didn't have any swim trunks with me, and I was more than a little excited by the display of flesh. Seeing Emily and Mel in their underwear before they dove into the water had gotten my blood pumping. They both had amazing bodies, and I couldn't help but wonder how they'd feel against my own. I decided that being quick was the best option. After all, none of my sisters were paying much attention to me at the moment.

In record time, I unbuckled my belt and stripped my jeans down my legs. I quickly tossed them aside and turned back to jump in the pool, but Erica was leaning against the edge right below me, looking straight at my package.

"Well, come on, big brother," Erica said, adding more emphasis to the word 'big.'

She pushed away from the edge, but I saw her eyes roam down my naked torso and lock onto the apparent bulge in my briefs. Before she could say anything—or the others see my obvious arousal—I jumped into the pool. The water was cold initially, which helped my situation a little. I surfaced after a quick dive to the bottom and was met face-to-face by Emily. Her hair was drenched and pulled away from her face so that I could see her beautiful features clearly. Lights from the pool gave the water a gorgeous glow but didn't reveal much below the water's surface.

"Hey," she said with a grin.

"Hey to you too," I replied.

Emily was incredibly friendly and probably the most social among my sisters. She seemed to exude an aura of cheer that made it impossible to be in a lousy mood and negate any and all of Erica's remarks and comments. Erica wasn't mean at all, but she seemed to relish causing embarrassment and discomfort for others. But never did she aim her quips and jokes at Emily.

"You come here often?" she asked with a cheeky grin.

"I think it's going to be my new go-to place," I replied, playing her little game.

"Good, because I like having you here," she said.

Before I could say another word, Emily moved closer to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into a hug. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her small waist and hugged her back. The sensation of her bare skin under my fingers was having the usual effect, and my dick was trying to tear free of my boxers to join the pool party. Luckily for me, Emily hadn't pressed her whole body into me.

"I like being here," I said as we parted.

Emily studied me for a moment, then giggled before splashing me with some water.

A few minutes later, Amanda returned wearing a black two-piece bikini that showcased her amazing body. She was long and lean in every sense of the description. Her waist was narrow, her stomach was flat, and her torso was long, as were her amazing legs. Her breasts were smaller than Erica's but larger than the twins. The generous orbs were impossibly perky for their size, making her look more a creation of perfection than a real woman. Once again, I had to force myself not to gape at her flawless figure.

The next hour passed as we played in the pool. It was mostly just Mel and Emily splashing around with me while Amanda occasionally joined in. Erica swam some laps, but she mostly hung out in the shallow end, sitting on the steps, so her breasts were above the water. I was sure she was doing that on purpose since every time I looked her way, she watched me and would smile. I didn't know what was going through her head, but I had to be careful how I played this.

I wasn't an idiot and knew when a girl wanted me. The problem with this girl was that she was my sister, and incest was wrong for many reasons. It was probably just a physical attraction that would pass in time. Most siblings had their whole lives to develop a family bond and see each other differently. I'd have to do what I could to form that bond as quickly as possible, so I could first stop seeing my sisters as I did right now and get Erica to tone down her obvious flirtation.

"All right, time for me to get to bed," Amanda announced when it was close to midnight.

"Goodnight," our sisters all said at once.

I climbed out of the pool as Amanda did, grabbed one of the towels she'd set out for everyone earlier, and began drying myself.

"Yeah, it's getting late, and I'm exhausted," I added.

I said my goodbyes to the remaining three and began gathering my clothing while trying to avoid ogling Amanda as she bent at the waist to dry her legs. I didn't succeed very well. Once I was dry enough to get straight into bed, I tossed the used towel over the back of my seat, reminding myself to deal with it in the morning.

"It's been great having you here, Nick," Amanda said as she approached me.

"It's been a lot of fun. Thank you for being so welcoming to me," I replied, trying to keep my eyes on hers, which wasn't all that difficult. She had beautiful eyes.

"It's not a problem at all," she smiled. "See you in the morning?"

"Of course," I smiled back at her.

Amanda stepped into my space once more and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. She stepped right into me this time, and I felt her soft stomach press against my erection. I was getting ready for her to pull away, but when she didn't, I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her back. Her exposed flesh felt all sorts of amazing against mine, and I cursed the meagre swimsuit for hindering what little it did of the sensation, then cursed myself again for thinking that. Maybe I could try jacking off before bed again.

"Goodnight, Nick," she said once more as our embrace ended.

"Goodnight, Amanda," I replied.

We parted after sharing a moment, and I gathered my things before heading up to the flat that was my new home. I looked over my shoulder before the pool was out of sight, and I saw Erica watching me with a devious grin spread across her beautiful lips.

Once in my flat, I dumped my pile of clothes by the couch and headed for the bedroom. Each step closer to the large, plush queen-sized bed became heavier with exhaustion, and the promise of sleep made my body tired, and I passed out on top of the covers as soon as I hit the bed.

I awoke the next morning feeling more than a little disorientated. The unfamiliar room was a shock to my brain as I tried to recall where I was and how I got there. Then I remembered. I'd travelled across the ocean to meet my estranged family, my four sisters. My siblings weren't exactly what I was expecting—although I didn't have any expectations—since they seemed to be into a lot of similar music to myself and even had a fashion sense and style that would have fit right in with my group of friends back home. Each of them was a knock-out, and if I'd seen any of them at a concert, I would have tried to get their number. Being related to them made those feelings of attraction far more awkward.

Amanda had a fantastic personality, and we had a very close taste in music. She was beautiful, friendly, funny, and just a joy to be around.

Emily and her twin Mel were quite the opposite, but they still held themselves the same and had similar mannerisms. Although Emily was by far the more openly friendly of the two, always smiling and offering hugs. Mel was a little more reserved, but I had a feeling it was more of a shy nature over being rude. I looked forward to seeing her open up a little more.

Erica was the wildcard of the family. That was obvious even after just meeting them yesterday. She was drop-dead gorgeous with sultry eyes, luscious lips, and curves that would make any swimsuit model envious. But she also had an aura about her that screamed "danger, dude!" and I wasn't sure if her open flirtation and flaunting of her body to me was out of attraction or to simply get a reaction out of me. Either way, it was a dangerous situation to be in with your own sister.

I hoped these feelings of attraction would subside once I got to know each of the women in my family because I couldn't trust myself around them if I were constantly aroused. I wouldn't do anything to hurt them—that just wasn't me—but I also didn't want to live in those conditions. If shit didn't calm down, I'd have to look for a place of my own if I could afford it.

In my groggy, half-asleep state, I wandered into the bathroom to take a piss. I was still wearing the boxer briefs I'd been wearing when I went for a late-night swim with my sisters last night, so I stripped them off, tossing them into the corner. My head was a little sore from drinking—since I was tired and hadn't hydrated enough yesterday—and I didn't even notice the shower was running or when it turned off.

"Guess I should have locked the door," Erica's voice cut through my dazed mind.

"Oh shit!" I had just finished pissing and flushed the toilet, but I was still naked when the door to the shower swung open.

"Sorry to startle you, big bro, but could you pass me a towel," Erica said, and I could hear the delight in her tone.

"Yeah…sure, one sec," I looked around the small bathroom for a towel and saw them hanging by the door, closer to Erica than they were to me.

Instead of arguing, I cupped my penis with one hand—which was becoming increasingly harder to do since he knew there was a naked goddess in the room—and reached over to pull a towel from the rack, blindly handing it to Erica. Even though I tried to keep my eyes averted, I still looked and was stunned like a deer in the headlights. However, these headlights were double-D weapons of mass distraction.

Erica had opened the shower door entirely and stood there as naked as the day she was born. Her glorious tits sat almost unnaturally perky for their size. I locked my eyes onto her hard nipples before trailing down her swimsuit model stomach, over her curvy hips, and across visible bald pubis before taking in her lengthy, toned legs. Her skin was slightly darker than Amanda's, but she was still quite pale. Amanda had the perfect moonlight tan.

"You can take a picture if you want. You won't be the first," Erica winked at me as she took the towel.

"Sorry," I said, averting my eyes.

"It's okay. I'm used to it," she replied with a casual shrug.

She began towelling her body dry, and I was starting to wonder why I hadn't left the room yet. I should leave the room. Brothers shouldn't stand in a room, naked, with their younger sister while she dried her body. But I didn't go.

Erica stepped out of the shower, and I stepped back to give her room. I realized I was hanging around for a glimpse at her body some more, and it was starting to feel weird. I could always just say I was waiting to use the shower; I did need one, after all. Now that she was out, I could jump in and close the door to put something between our naked bodies and cool my shit with an icy cold shower.

"All yours," Erica said with a pleasant, innocent smile.

"Thanks," I stammered.

What had this woman done to my brain? I never stammered around beautiful women. I was confident that most women would find me attractive, even if I hadn't had much time for dating in my old life. I could easily find the words needed to speak to a pretty girl, make her laugh, and have a good time. But Erica had scrambled my brain, making me think and act like a pimply teenager in high school trying to ask out his crush. That wasn't me at all.

If she wanted to play this game, then so was I.

I let my hands drop away from my crotch, and my erection bounded free like an escaping prisoner, pointing directly at Erica. I saw her eyes widen just a touch, her lips part slightly, and I thought I saw surprise in her beautiful blue eyes. My plan had worked. I had rattled her.

Ever since I was young, I have had quite a large dick. Like most boys, I'd measured it when I started getting erections and even compared it to ones I'd seen in pornography magazines. While I wasn't the largest I'd seen, I definitely knew I wasn't small. By the shocked look on her face, Erica knew a decent-sized rod when she saw one.

"Thanks," I said again, with far more confidence. "Chuck the towel with the laundry, and I'll wash it later."

"Yeah…I'll do that," Erica said, as if in a trance.

I saw her shake her head out of the corner of my eye as I turned around and grinned. "Yeah, that's right, Erica, I can play this game too." I thought to myself.

"Oh, Erica?" I turned back to face my new sibling, not caring to cover myself.

"Yeah?" she replied, the towel now wrapped around her torso.

"Why were you using my shower?" I asked. It had been her shower and room before I arrived, but I wanted to make sure she knew this was my place now.

"I left some things here," she said hurriedly. "I thought I might be able to get in a shower before you woke up, sorry."

"It's okay," I said with a smile. "Just ask next time. I don't mind sharing."

I turned my back on her before she could reply, but I saw the heat rise to her cheeks, and the usually flirtatious, flaunting mega-babe had been surprised by my actions. She had lost control of the situation, which I assumed had rarely happened if it had ever happened. I turned the shower on to a scorching hot blast of pressure, squeezed some shampoo into my palm, and started working myself to a much-needed climax. I didn't even wait to hear the door close, signalling Erica leaving the bathroom and flat. If she listened to the audible squelching as my fist worked my tool, so be it.

I didn't even try to dispel the images of her flawless naked body, and after a few minutes, I was painting the tiles of the small shower with my seed.