Chapter 16

A brief moment before the beeping sound began, deep in a junkyard; there were explosions from the clashing of energy blasts. Group's 4 and 6 were in a deep clash over attaining each other's core.

Francis gets kicked into a pile of car parts. He struggled to sit up. He was severely bruised, bleeding from his left hand and had his cloak rough. One of his teammates was down while the other, Beatrice, just finished off Amr's remaining teammate. She regrouped with him as Amr walked slowly towards them.

"Give it back and I'll not have to hurt you anymore," Amr ordered with his energy swirling.

"It's two against one and we have your core as well as ours. You are done Amr. Why don't you bow out quietly?" Francis responded.

"Two green sources want to take on a blue source? Best Joke I have heard in a while." Amr's cloak beamed as his eyes glowed. He took a boxing stance as he faced them.

"I guess we have no other choice." Beatrice muttered as she formed two energy spheres in each hand. She merged them together and shaped them into eight diamond-like crystals which migrated and rested slightly above her knuckles.

"I'll cover you," Francis whispered to her.


"Don't get cocky!" Amr dashed towards them. Beatrice planted her feet firmly into the ground while Francis took a huge leap backwards. Amr and Beatrice clashed their fists against each other. Amr's cloak on his right hand was dispersed with the diamonds piercing deep into his skin. He yelled in pain while taking a few steps back. Beatrice closed in with a left jab but he caught her hand. An energy blast came from behind her and blasted him away. Before he landed, another blasted him into the air and a third blasted him back into the ground. There was a dust cover and out of it, with incredible speed, Amr swooped with a flying Kick.

Beatrice barely blocked it with her diamonds on time. Amr had two blasts in his hands and launched them against Francis. He flipped backwards and as he landed, Beatrice closed in with multiple jabs which he kept dodging till he caught her hands then kneed her in the guts. He followed with a head-butt and then a 360 degree kick launching her spinning away. As he stepped forward, he noticed her diamond-shaped energy forms had surrounded him. He gasped and they exploded. His body was vibrating as he held himself up. Francis swooped in and landed a heavy blow on his guts forcing him to lean forward as he coughed out in pain. As he stepped back, Francis gave him an uppercut lifting him high up in the air. Beatrice placed her hands behind her, created two blasts that launched her at Amr. She spun herself in the air gathering momentum and then kicked his neck launching him into the ground. As she fell, she pummeled his location with energy blasts while Francis did the same from the ground. She landed beside Francis in a crouched pose.

They gathered energy in their hands and waited for Amr's next move. From the ground behind them, out burst Amr with condensed energy blasts in his hands and his eyes glowing. The two were shocked as they slowly turned their eyes to meet his glare. His presence was like that of a raging saber tooth to mere mice.

"You are finished," He spoke calmly with a condescending look when suddenly both his and Francis badges began beeping loudly. Beatrice used that slight distraction to pull Francis backwards in order to create a distance between themselves and Amr. Both group leaders tapped their badges and a voice came out which said,

"Group one has found the hidden core thus signifying the end of the second stage. Groups 1, 6, and 7 progress to the final stage. Everyone is to return to the transport centers for final evaluations."

Amr clenched his fists and roared. He glared at the two with so much anger, he was barely restraining himself from attacking. He began taking deep breaths before he calmed down a bit. He walked towards his downed teammates to help give them their energy capsules. Francis fell backwards but Beatrice caught him although dropping to her knee. She helped him up as they walked towards their downed teammate.


AT THE EGYPTIAN base, All cadets had returned and gathered at the A block. Elizabeth walked in to address them.

"I'd first like to commend you all for your efforts. For the first time in your lives, you were exposed to a sliver of what you'd be facing on a regular basis. Even if your group didn't qualify for the final round, you shouldn't look at that as the end of the line. There will always be next time. So I'd ask you guys to give each other a round of applause," She spoke calmly.

The cadets weren't sure how to react to that. They gave themselves the applause regardless.

"Before we begin the final stage, I'll be reviewing each group's performance. Could the group leaders step forward?"

All group leaders stepped up and stood with their hands folded behind and chest out.

"Group 1. While you guys were good at taking orders, you were too stoic. You followed the script and when things went off book, you were easily taken down. It was pathetic to watch as none of you could take initiative. You relied too much on your group leader and out there, that would lead you to imminent deaths. Salim, you did prove to be one of the strongest in this set of cadets but that doesn't mean you have to always take the difficult route. You could have easily passed by taking another group's core but you went ahead to find the hidden core which nearly cost the life of one of your teammates. In this line of work, results, as long as the moral and ethics are kept, are what matters not the process."

"Sir, yes sir!" Salim and group 1 responded.

"Group 2, you guys are going to be decisively punished for your lack of common sense. Why on earth do you think a facility so advanced would allow you to fight in the public where civilians could be caught in the cross fire? Huh Raul?!"

Raul kept quiet he was shivering where he stood.

"I asked you a question." Elizabeth's eyes beamed at him as her energy rose gently. He began to shiver and sweat profusely while standing there. The presence was becoming so great he was a thread away from passing out."

"I am sorry..."


"I... I..." Raul was feeling choked and the words were becoming heavy. Elizabeth relaxed with a sigh.

"The purpose was to teach you how to battle in public. To fight effectively and carefully so as to cause as minimal damage as possible to lives and properties while carrying out your duties," she affirmed.

Raul bent his head and as he was about to breathe out, he felt her gaze on him again.

"Could you care to explain why you attacked a civilian home with the civilian present in it?"

"I... I had no idea..."

"Did you confirm that they were no inhabitant on sight before you led the onslaught?"

Raul couldn't respond and when he lifted his head, she was right beside him with a death stare. He choked on his breath and passed out. No one dared to laugh. They all took a deep breath to control themselves.

"Moving on to Group 3. I don't have much to say to you or to Group 4. Your problems were the same. You underestimated your opponents and got beat down disgracefully. You were nothing short of pathetic when it became too late to realize your mistakes. The good thing is you have been thought first hand why you shouldn't underestimate the enemy and why you should always strike them down with everything you've got. Right, Sarah? Amir?"

"Sir, yes Sir!" They responded sharply.

"Group 6. You have my praises. You worked on each other strengths, prioritized the winning conditions and went at the challenges with vigor, common sense and efficient teamwork. Your only problem is that you need to work on yourselves and get stronger. Individually, you were average but you made it work out excellently with decent teamwork. That's what all groups ought to emulate."

"Sir yes sir!" They roared. Francis smiled at this remark. He looked back at his teammates and they lifted their thumbs up.

"Group 7. Conventionally, you guys were a mess. Su, you are ranked as the top of this set for being an all-rounder, but your performance was completely disappointing. You exhibited nonexistent leadership qualities as you couldn't even reign in your members. Both of them did what they wanted without your approval and you basically flowed with the situation. Funny how that worked out well yet I can't even remember you initiating anything decisive on your own, which begs the question... What exactly is your worth as a soldier?"

Su clenched her fist tightly while she took in a deep breath.

"But you did have a lot of dynamics that worked well in your favor. Hidden understandings and even an efficient back up that pulls through when it counts the most. When battling demons, you do need such dynamisms in order to survive so in that regard you do have my praises."

Su smiled a bit as she took in a deep breath. As Elizabeth went on with the review.

"Ouch. Mom is always too blunt when it comes to stuff like this," James whispered to Kris.

"Why are you whispering? It's not like she can hear you since you're speaking to my mind." Kris responded. He lifted his eyes to see Elizabeth glance at him as she continued are speech. He gasped in the moment.

"Exactly," James whispered.

"Whelp, I am not risking it anymore so shush," Kris whispered back.

"Fine, yeesh."

"At this juncture, I'll be announcing those participating in the final stage. The groups that qualified for the final stage have officially passed the graduation exams but only those who showed decent prowess in the exam thus far, will participate in the final round. Like it was told to you, it is also an individual exam," Elizabeth said as she stood firm. There was a brief pause and the hall became extremely silent.

"From group 1, we have Salim and George. Group 2, null. Group 3, null. Group 4, Amr. Group 6, Francis and Beatrice. Group 7, Su, Kris and Fred!"

Fred's eyes widened as he looked upwards and became teary. Su looked back at him and smiled.

"Those whose names have been mentioned will be competing in a 1 V 1 tournament. The winner would be given the exclusive right to choose which base they would want to serve. Others will be dispatched to units based on recommendations or my personal choice. You have an hour to prepare. Good luck," Elizabeth concluded.

"Sir, yes sir!" The cadets saluted as she headed out of the hall.


IN THE DEMON'S world, Edward was arranging the formation of the orcs alongside Andrago.

"The blood moon is imminent. This time, we will score a major victory against the humans!" Andrago roared and the orcs roared back as they lifted their arms. Edward smiled as he took his leave. He walked till he got to a cemetery. He walked through the cemetery then sat in front of a gravestone.

"She would be glad to know that you were back and helping out," Andrago walked up behind him and placed his hands on Edward's shoulder.

"The Orc division will take the greatest glory in this blood moon. I'll make sure of that," Edward replied.

"The confidence they have in their skills is all thanks to you, Azaskiel. I am grateful. You truly are the greatest commander we've ever had. I couldn't compare," Andrago smiled.

"I really wished you agreed to share the knowledge with other divisions," He added.

"The others will serve as a stepping stone for us to gain more recognition in the eyes of the foolish King."

"You really do plan to topple the monarchy. He is a black source you know."

"I have felt his power first hand. While unfathomable, I somehow still have this feeling that we could bring him down eventually. Maybe it's the human side of me."

"Whatever it is, I am with you brother."

"Plotting against the King is treason and could cost you your lives" A voice came from behind them. Andrago's eyes widened as he turned to see THE LADY standing behind him. A cold sweat dropped from his head.

"Drop the act. I've known you were there even before Andrago came here."

"Good, I'd be disappointed if you didn't." She walked closer to Edward.

"What's the meaning of this?" Andrago questioned.

"Don't worry about it. She's on our side and has been looking for a way to take down the King. His incompetent leadership has cost us a lot. It's about time he steps down." Edward responded.

"For that I reached out to Azaskiel to bring in someone he trusted. You two would be exempted from this distraction invasion. You will use this period to get significantly stronger since THAT is at its finishing touches stage."

"I am so confused and lost." Andrago, stunned by all this, just had a hopeless expression on his face.

"Don't think too much my friend. As long as you are with me, we will save our world and return it to its former glory." Edward stood up as he stretched forth his palms. Andrago looked at it for a bit and smiled.

"Like I said, I am with you brother," He shook Edward's hand and Edward smiled.

"Now then, shall I introduce you to the partner on my side?"

"Long time no see, Captain Edward. Or should I say Azaskiel." A person touched Edward's shoulder before he could sense the person's presence. As he turned to look at him, he was shocked.

"No way... You?!"


BACK AT THE Egyptian base, the cadets were taken to a large building called the festival hall at the center of Sharm el Sheikh. The inside was like a colosseum with people from all around the world in attendance. Cheers, lights, bands, confettis... It truly was a spectacle. There were large screens which viewers from high up could use to see what was happening at the center. The MC took the stage and began the supplementary messages, introduction and welcoming of guests while the participants stayed in a waiting room. Su sat on a bench and began tying a cloth around her hands. She was deep in thought with a slight irritation.

"If only stares could kill," Fred spoke out as he sat beside her. She smiled but did not respond.

"You have kept the same scary expression since the briefing. Will you be okay?"

"She'll be fine. What about you? You seem very nervous."

"Why wouldn't I be? All these fighters and here I am. What exactly am I supposed to do when i come up against anyone here? I'll basically be the best punching bag stress reliever there ever was." Fred sighed.

"Don't say that. You have to believe more in yourself." Su smiled as she placed her right hand on his head.

"Do you hate me right now?" Kris spoke out as he took his seat beside her while folding his hands.

"Maybe a little," She chuckled.

"That's good. Then you'd have no reason to hold back if we eventually come face to face." Kris smirked as he lifted his hand for a fist bump.

"Alright then," She laughed as she gave him a fist bump.

"You guys are already prepared to face each other?" Fred questioned with a sulking look.

"Yup," Kris and Su said in unison.

"I don't think I want to meet any of you, at least not in the first round. Oh I also don't want to meet Salim. My career would be over before I moved."

"I agree. Salim, Su and Amr are currently the biggest threats in this final stage." Francis joined into their conversation.

"Oh shit there is also Amr!" Fred placed his hands on his head. He was freaking out a bit.

"Calm down. You'll do fine," Su tried to cheer him up.

"I don't care who I am up against! I'll definitely win. But I wouldn't mind taking you out first as revenge for the last time we fought." Kris retorted as he stared at Francis. (Chapter 8).

"The fact that you made it to the last stage means you've come a long way newbie. But a rematch between us will end the same," Francis smirked. His eyes glowed as he beamed with confidence.

"Is that so?" Kris' eyes glowed as he stared cockily at Francis.

"Regardless, it would be considered extreme bad luck for anyone to meet Salim or Su in the first stage, Fred sighed out. The group looked over at Salim's direction as they saw him closing his eyes with his hands folded.

AT THE STAGE'S center, the MC was done with the supplementary messages and introduction of special guests.

"Now we welcome the presence of the Commander of the O.W.A.D Egyptian Base. Commander Elizabeth Lock! She is accompanied by one of the most revered power house of the O.W.A.D forces worldwide, Colonel Louis Bernard!"

Elizabeth and Louis walked in and the entire hall stood in salute and cheers till they got to their seats at the VIP section. Elizabeth sat and crossed her legs as her eyes scanned through the entire hall.

"I haven't been in this hall in like twelve-fifteen years," Louis remarked as he took his seat beside her.

"The award ceremony for when we awakened the white source power right?"

"Yeah, but what makes this place more nostalgic to me is the finals during our set."

"We stood at the center of the ring ready to battle each other, now we are sitting up here watching the next generation do so."

"Yup, we have gotten old" Louis laughed while Elizabeth smiled.

"Let's have a little game, a bet to see who's going to win this. Who's your pick?" Louis suggested.

"I am the commander. I can't show favoritism so I choose not to pick anyone."

"You've become too stoic Lizzy! Come on. A simple gamble wouldn't hurt."


"Come on, come on!"

"Alright. yeesh. I pick Salim." Elizabeth sighed.

"Interesting. He did show that he had more than enough strength to carry the job of a team. You are taking this a bit serious."

"Not exactly, he is just the obvious choice. Offense and defense he's got it down. I'd have gone with Su but I did challenge her in the briefing. Whether or not she can step up to the challenge is entirely up to her, so she remains an uncertain variable."

"And you said you weren't taking it seriously."

"Who's your pick?"


"Kris? Why? Might I remind you that Kris is not James and they've not been any signs of him tapping into James' skills."

"I know. But his adaptability is immense. You said he had just a week to learn how to utilize source energy and yet I see him outdoing people that have had to learn it for months. Source energy is not that easily manipulated might I remind you."

"So you are basing your judgement on his ability to adapt?" Elizabeth questioned but Louis responded with a smile.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado, I'll go right into the details of the final stage. We have eight participants who will be engaging in a 1 v 1 brawl. Win is by submission or knock out. The contestants in the first round will be paired up randomly after which, they'd face their opponents based on the draw advancements. The winner in the finals will be given the special privilege of choosing where they would serve as the newest source soldiers around. The man overseeing the match would be none other than Captain Sadiki Ur from the General battalion."

Sadiki walked up onto the center of the stage and released his blue source energy which transformed into armor. The crowd cheered.

"Shall we turn over to the big screen to see who the first contestants are?"

The 'VS' logo appeared at the center of the screen. Pictures began to roll quickly on the left and right sides till it slowed down and stopped at Su's and Amr's.


"The contestants shall now enter the stage!"

Su got up and began walking towards the exit of the waiting hall.

"Don't you dare lose until we face off Su" Francis called from behind.

"I don't plan to. I may not have been able to do much as a leader. But that has nothing to do with my prowess as a fighter!" Her eyes glowed as she kept walking.

"Scary. But I'll be the one to dethrone you permanently," Amr retorted with a smirk. They walked to the center of the stage and faced each other.

"You know the rules. You fight with everything you've got. If I deem it life threatening, I'll put an end to it." Sadiki stated.

Su and Amr nodded as they walked to the edges of the center circle.

"Ready up!"

They both released their energies. Su's light yellow cloak formed from her forehead and covered her entire body. Amr's blue cloak formed from his left shoulder and covered his entire body. Their Aura's rose from it.


Su gathered energy in her right hand and condensed it into a sphere. She launched it at Amr. He gathered energy on his left hand and swiped it away but to his surprise, it stuck to his hand. It expanded and covered his entire body before exploding creating a large dust screen.

"Thousand hand attack form," Su spoke softly as her energy glowed. She dashed into the dust screen and punched Amr in the guts. He coughed out as his eyes widened before the force launched him out of the dust screen. He regained himself and landed on his feet which dragged a bit. Before he could do anything else, Su was already in front of him. Her eyes glowed. His eyes shrieked. She began hitting him with a barrage of punches making his entire body dance to the effects while waves of yellow energy sparked out behind him. She ended the barrage with a heavy punch to his guts which made him cough out saliva and his eyes roll back. She did a back flip with her leg hitting his chin which launched him spiraling into the air. As she landed, she created energy blasts at her feet which propelled her to him. She caught him, spun with him in the air as her energy spiraled around them forming a drill-like outlook .They moved in that manner till she smashed his head into the ground while landing in front of him. His body was half buried in the ground with his legs bent backwards.

The hall was shocked. The MC couldn't say anything. It all happened too fast. Su began walking towards the exit. The crowd went wild with praises for her.

"Where do you think you are going Su?" Amr roared in anger as he burst out his energy and rose out of the ground. His face was bloodied and his body was vibrating. He bit his lower lip in anger as he stared at her. Su stopped walking. She lifted her left hand as she turned her face to look at him with a smile. Every point on his body that she had hit began to glow yellow as small spheres began to form. Despair fell on Amr's face as he realized what was about to happen.

"Damn y..." He was about to scream when she flicked her fingers and they all exploded.

After the explosion had cleared, Amr was seen standing. His eyes had rolled back. He coughed out blood as his body bent and wobbled to the ground.

"Winner by Knock out! Su Ming!" The ref called out.

"An outstanding victory for Su! She has really shown us why she is one of the biggest threats in this stage. The top of the set has cemented a victory for herself in a fashionable style! This tournament has officially been opened!" The MC yelled out.

Su looked up towards the VIP section and her eyes met with Elizabeth's.

"Hoo, she's looking at you," Louis commented.

"And what of it?"

"Nothing in particular. It's just amazing to see that she stood up to your challenge rather than get frustrated over it."

"Humph," Elizabeth smiled and nodded. Su smiled and headed towards the exit. Once she got there, she was directed to a different waiting room. The medics rushed in to carry Amr on a stretcher.

The other contestants were dead silent. She had made a bold statement and they could feel the seriousness which she had brought to the final stage. Kris could feel his heart beat with excitement. He turned to look at everyone and they were all standing with mixed expressions. Even Salim had stood up to look at the screen with a smirk.

"Well then, this will be fun," Kris thought to himself with a smirk.

"Now we are moving to the second battle!" The MC called out and the pictures beside the VS logo began to roll and stopped at the next two contestants.

Francis Roland VS .....