Chapter 27


The ten minutes battle began with the collision of weapons between Sadiki and Joukron. Others followed as they entered a deadlock with their counterparts. As Sadiki and Joukron pushed against each other, Joukron smiled and an orc flipped over him and struck its spear at Sadiki. His eyes glowed blue, then he formed an energy sphere to intercept it. The little shift in concentration gave Joukron the edge and he pushed Sadiki back before kicking him into a wall.

"This one is mine. Go and retrieve it." Joukron ordered. The orc nodded and headed for the transport room. Sadiki burst out of the wall with quick speed in an attempt to strike the orc down, but he was intercepted by Joukron.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" He roared as his Katana began to glow with blue energy. He grabbed it with his second hand and was able to push Joukron back. Joukron laughed then licked its butcher blade. Both of their energies rose and they launched at each other. The two entered a fast flurry of exchanges with neither being able to get a decisive cut.

AMR NOTICED THE free moving orc. His eyes trailed its direction and saw that it was heading towards the civilians.

"Oh no you don't"  He launched a blast in its direction although he got punched deep in the guts by the orc he was facing. The blast reached the free moving orc but it hit it away effortlessly. This occured a few meters a way from Su.

"Tchh..." She hissed while dodging the swing from the nonchucks of the orc infront of her. She noticed an opening and dived in for a punch to its jogular but it flicked its nonchuck to intercept her punch before wacking her head downwards with it. It quickiy rose the nonchuk to hit her face and she was flunged into the air. She spat out blood before spinning herself and shooting multiple energy blasts at the free orc, Amr's orc and hers. The three orcs swung their weapons to deflect it but soon noticed that the spheres gummed to their weapons and their footings. Before they could do anything, it glowed then exploded violently. Su landed on her feet but felt a ringing sensation in her head.

"Huh?" Her vision blurred. She began to hear a distant voice.

"BEHIND YOU!" Amr roared and soon Su felt a beastly energy behind her. As she turned to face it a nonchuck hit her side sending her towards the ground with her back dragging on it. She coughed out, then saw the orc in the air. It spun energy around itself then dived down towards Su. It was interrupted by two green energy diamonds which jammed into its armor and pulled it into the ground before exploding. It was Beatrice. She lifted her hands (with the claw like diamonds) almost immediately to intercept the axe coming from her orc. This caused the ground to sink in twice with Beatrice falling to her knees.

"Thousand-hand attack form, Spiralling fist." Su jammed her fist onto the face of the orc. It was shocked by the amount of energy that was pushing into its face before it got launched towards a pillar with the ground splitting apart.

"Thanks" Su said as she helped Beatrice up.

"You too."

Their brief moment of gratitude was interrupted when both orcs stood and began walking to them. Thier energies rising and their eyes glowing. Su and Beatrice stood back against each other with boxing stances ready to face their opponents.

AT THAT MOMENT, Sadiki landed a strike on Joukron's left arm before giving it a spinning kick to the jaw. Joukron rolled in the air before landing on the ground with its blade digging deep into the ground. It took a deep breath and zoomed at Sadiki thereby driving its knee into his guts. He coughed out blood which stained his lips. He burstn out blue energy in order to push Joukron back a bit. He placed the hilt of his katana on his chest then stabbed the air thrice shooting three needle like energies. Joukron deflected the first two but once he touched the third it exploded causing the first two to explode afterwards, covering Joukron in a smoke screen.

WHILE THE BATTLE between Sadiki and Joukron intensified, Amr was preventing a spear from stabbing into his guts. He looked to see the position of the free orc and it was inching closer to the transport room. The civilians inside began to panic. Soon a sound by a pillar caught Amr's attention. George was being choked by an orc but at the same time, he had an energy blade covering his hand which had pierced into the orcs armor. The orc had its left hand holding on to that of George in order to prevent the energy blade from sinking further into its armor while its right was tightly wrapped around George's neck. George's face was bruised and he seemed like he was moments from passing out. Amr began to feel a sense of anger. His blue energy rose and he stared directy into the eyes of the orc in front of him.

"You measely, yellow soURCE DEMON!" He yelled out as he began to push the spear slightly backwards. He smirked as he saw the confusion in the eyes of the orc. He suddenly dragged it towards himself while he twisted his body rightwards in order to avoid it. This inturn made the orc to lose its balance as it was pulled forward. Amr gathered his entire cloak onto his left hand and wacked the orc with a back fist. The orc let go of its spear while it got launched through a pillar and bounced four times on the ground before sinking into a wall. Amr picked the spear from the floor and threw it at the orc choking George, then all the cloak on his right hand was transferred to his feet and he stomped the ground thereby sending the blue energy with incredible speed in the dirrection of the free orc. The spear he threw stabbed into the orcs left hand. The moment the orc roared out in pain, its grip on George's hand lessened. George used that opportunity to push his energy blade through the heart of the orc. It coughed out blood on george before falling on to his body. George huffed for a bit before pushing it off his body and falling to the ground wheezing for air. The energy Amr sent through the ground  passed the free orc and travelled a short distance infront of it. It began exploding upwards as it backtracked towards the orc. The orc stopped in its tracks and began to backflip in order to avoid the backtracking explosions. It soon took a big leap and landed in a squat position, unfortunately the ground around it glowed blue and exploded upwards launching it several meters into the air before it landed on the base of its neck.

Amr gasped for air as he walked closer to George. He looked at his heavily bruised and bleeding face then sighed.

"Do you have any fight left in you?" Amr asked

"Do I have a choice?"

"I guess that answers that." Amr lent a hand to George in order to pull him up. A loud roar came from Amr's orc and it began running towards their direction. The free orc stood up and looked at them with anger in its eyes. It cracked its neck then summoned its spear as it walked towards them. Emitting a terrible green energy.

"I have a plan. But it would require you distracting that orc walking towards us while I take the other running at us." Amir voiced out.

"I don't think I'll be able to survive it."

"Don't worry, It wouldn't be for long. I'll be using my specialty."




"Break!" Amr ran towards the orc racing at them. George yelled to call up more power before racing towards the free orc. It thrusted with its spear but George side stepped the thrust and blasted its hand which made it drop its spear. He moved in with a punch but immediatly got kneed in the guts which rose him to the air, coughing out blood. His body was soon met with four punches mid air with the last being an uppercut. The uppercut lifted him higher into the air while the orc grabbed his leg then slammed him onto the ground. He bounced and was knocked unconscious before being kicked  towards the ground. The orc grunted but soon noticed a shadow surrounding it. It looked up to see Amr spinning head first with the other orc and driving it to slam it.

"How didn't I notice this?" The orc's jaw dropped as Amr crashed his orc onto it. A wide spider web of cracks spread for a radius of three meters as blue energy burst out of the ground.

"Serpant silent stomping... And there is more!" Amr placed his hands together and energy covered him and the two orcs. They tried to stand but soon had their bodies being wrapped by a snake like form which tightened around their necks.

"Serpant hold!" The energy form further tightened and the orcs tried to struggle. Soon their eyes rolled back and they passed out.  Amr fell to his bum puffing out. He was drenched in sweat and his body felt heavy. He soon lifted his eyes to see Su and Beatrice gathering their energies together then shooting an energy beam at the two orcs in front of them. The orcs dragged their heads backwards then spewed yellow energy beams from their mouths to meet that of the girls. The collision basically led to a beam clash. Those of the orcs doubled in size and began to overwhelm the girls.

"Su! Could you hold it for a few seconds?!"

"That's a tall order!"

"I have a way to redirect it but I'd need to concentrate."

"Tchh... Fine! I am not sure how long I can give you though."

"Just try to hold on as much as you can. On my signal you move out of the way!" Beatrice instructed and soon left the beam struggle. The overwhelming weight easily began to overpower Su. She fell to a knee and soon began to join her hands in a diamond shape. Just at the moment the orc's beam was going to touch Su's hand,

"Thousand-hand attack form. REFLECTION!" She roared out and her energy became dark yellow. It pushed the beam back to the midway point. The orcs widened their eyes, then pulled their heads back before increasing the size of the beam and it pushed back against Su.

"NOW!" Beatrice roared and three layers of her diamond circle were formed above her. Su created energy blasts from her feets that shot her into the air while the massive beam from the orcs shot into Beatrice diamond circles. As the beam entered, all her energy diamonds began to glow and even crack.

"Don't underestimate me!" She made a fourth layer of the diamond circle and all the beams got absorbed into it.

"EAT THIS!" She yelled and shot out an extremely large energy beam. The orcs shrieked before lifting their hands to guard against it but the beam easily cleared them and burst through the frontage of the transport center. Beatrice fell to her knees and then to her face. She took heavy breaths as things slowly began to get blurry. She soon passed out. Su landed beside her. Her head ached a lot. She placed her hand on it then fell on her back. Her astral armor had been damaged halfway and blood dripped from her mouth and forehead. She felt hazy but soon saw a hand in her face.

"If you haven't passed out then get to your feet. There are still quite a few demons standing." Amr spoke as he pulled her up.

Soon a bright white light showed from the transport room and all the civillians in it were teleported to the protection dome.

"Only... only  five minutes have passed?" Su giggled in disbellief. Sadiki soon landed on his back at their location.

"Shit." He cursed then slowly  rolled to his side and soon staggered to his feet. He had an "X" mark on his armor and blood was dripping.

AT THE ORC'S side, similar thing happened to Joukron except that he had a straight slash from his eye down to his waist. The orcs regrouped around him.

"They really cut us down by half." He huffed.

"Not all our men are dead." An orc spoke beside him.

"Good. It's about time we wrapped this off."


"Sir?" Su and Amr spoke. Sadiki looked round and saw that most of the humans were out. Only four stood; Su,Amr, a source soldier and himself.

"Tchh... We have to survive five more minutes with just the four of us? That's almost impos..."

An explosion occured at the side of the transport room. Everyone slowly turned their eyes to it. A yellow source orc walked out with a large core encased in an aluminium net with two rods pointing out of it.

"Is that the master core?" Sadiki's eyes widened in disbelief. Soon the orc teleported and appeared beside Joukron. The orcs had a pleased smile on their faces.

"Gather the living. We are done here." Joukron ordered.

"GIVE THAT BACK!" Sadiki dashed towards the orcs. His eyes filled with killing intent. Joukron stepped in his path and blocked his strike. Before Sadiki could react Joukron placed an energy sphere on his chest and it exploded sending him crashing through the ground.

"That one is dangerous. I'll kill him first." Joukron announced as he headed for Sadiki. The source soldier rushed to aid Sadiki but got easily knocked to the side by Joukron. The moment Joukron was about to stab his butcher blade into Sadiki,  Amr and Su closed in but in a flash, they both got slashed diagonally with their cloak and astral armor (respectively) breaking to pieces on impact. The blood from their wounds rose into the air and despair filled their faces. Amr blacked out soon after but Su fell to her knees beside Joukron. The pain ran through her body and she barely could prevent herself from collapsing. As she lifted her head, Joukron swung his blade to her neck. In that brief moment, Su did not see anything except a blinding blue light. Soon after she heard a sound of something being hit but couldn't make anything out of it. After a few blinks, she heard.

"Are you okay? Snap out of it Su!" A familiar voice resounded in her ears and a bright green energy shone brightly in her face. Fred was standing in front of her blocking the blade from Joukron with his right hand.

"Fred? But how?" Su asked with her eyes widened.

"I can't explain it. But when I came to, I saw you being slashed by the demon." Fred replied. The blade only made a slight cut on his hand. Joukron was struck with disbelief briefly but soon regained itself. It dived in with the second blade this time imbuing it with a lot of blue source energy.

"HANNUN KADA!" A wild croc jaw bit into Joukron

"Kaaarghhh!" It screamed. The croc jaw dragged it through a pillar and into a wall. Blue energy built up in the croc's jaw  which began causing damage to Joukron and soon a massive beam was blasted throough the wall and travelled a considerable distance on the outside plane. Fred's eyes lit up as he saw Salim walking towards them. All the other orcs began racing towards them yelling and releasing their energies. Salim took the Dambe stance while Fred took a boxing stance.


The energy sphere suddenly appeared infront of the orcs and exploded before they could process what had happened. The orcs were scatterd. Some crashed through pillars, some were sent out of the building while others were on their backs in the huge crater that was created.

"You are looking quite pathetic aren't you...Su" Francis mentioned as stood beside Salim. The three  released their auras above their cloaks. The orc holding the master orb wanted to move in to attack but suddenly,

"STAY BACK!" Joukron roared at it as it perked out of the wall. The upper body of its armor had been completely shattered and it was bleeding from its chest. It staggered to its feet as it looked at the three standing with their fierce auras. It scanned through the room and saw its orcs all except one on their backs.

"We have what we came for. Let's leave." Joukron added.

"But sir!" The yellow source orc tried to speak

"We have a specific mission. I almost lost sight of that. I apologize. Now we move. We don't know what else we might face on our way back. These humans just reminded me of how unpredictable things can get."

"Alright then." It let out a special sound that signified retreat. The orcs rose to their feets shakingly. They picked up their living and soon began to leave. Joukron looked at Salim for a bit then smiled before turning around and leaving.

"They actually just left?" Fred asked.

"I have no idea why. But I am glad they did. I doubt we could handle all of them." Francis added. Salim didn't say anything. He just turned around to see Su collapsed on the floor.

"Hey Su! What happened?" He reacted and the other two came to her aid.

"She's burning up. She has a fever and she's loosing blood!" Fred stated while he placed his hand on her head.

"Medic!" Francis yelled out. Soon the medical staffs who had hidden at the back waiting for the moment the demons left in order to rescue whoever might be alive, began to creep out. Soon they rushed over to Su to help her.

"We'll get her a healing capsule after which we'll  take her to another transport center." A medical personnel said as two others rushed with a stretcher. They gave her a healing capsule and her wound closed up almost immediately. They lifted her onto the stretcher and began to wheel her to the end of the transport center. While this was going on, another medical team rushed to Amr and gave him a healing capsule   before lifting him onto a stretcher.

"You three gather up other severely wounded. We'll take a them along."

The cadets and a few medical personnels sprung into action and began checking for the wounded.


"Portal at Alexandria is closed Sir!"

"Portal at Kharga Oasis is closed Sir!"

"Portal at Wadi Halfa is closed Sir!"

"Demons at Port Said, completely dealt with Sir. Awaiting portal closure."

"Portal at Dahab is closed Sir!"

"Main portal at Giza has shown signs of closing Sir!"

Reports from sites reached Elizabeth and she acknowledged them.

"Just a few more moments to hang on. Send the damage report." She ordered from the control centre.

It popped up on her screen and her eyes began to scan through. "I see, we have significantly fewer deaths than last time. Hmm, even the cadets engaged in battle. Damn." She continued to scroll through but soon stopped at a particular report.

"This level of damage and massacre. I guess something interesting did happen during the finals... James." Elizabeth smiled afterwards and continued checking the damage report.

THREE RED SOURCE demons arrived at the site behind the hall. They were dumbstruck at the wide spread of dead demons. Just bodies, not a living demon in site. They soon saw James dropping a disfigured body of a demon from the leg. He turned his eyes towards their direction, at first with zero expression but soon changed to a light smile. The demons roared at the top of their lungs and burst out their energies.

"Hoo... You guys aren't so weak. I guess I can let loose a little more." James eyes glowed red and his pupils constricted. A burning red energy trailed upwards from his eyes while his scarlet red energy burst out from his body.

"It has been a while since I used my armor." He smirked as it began to form over his hands while the energy towered.

"What is? What is going on?" A weak voice from Kris resounded in James ears and his energy dissipated. He fell to a knee and his black hair began to shrink.

"What? I am being suppressed just by him being barely  conscious?" He held his head and his left eye turned blue.

"This is bad! Why now? Is it because I released even more energy?" James thought hard but soon heard the roar of the demons as they all closed in on him. They attacked simultaneously but james teleported out of the area.

He reappeared near the base of a hill and soon couldn't feel his entire body. He crawled towards the hill and rested his back on it.

"Shit. This somehow feels unfair." James hissed as he rested.

"My body hurts all over..." Kris voiced out still in a weak tone.

"Yeah , I know. You'll be alright." James responded. The hair had returned back to its original length and brown color. His left eye was blue but the right was grey.

Soon the three red source demons appeared in front of him as they held their weapons. They were visibly infuriated and emited so much bloodlust.

James whislted then smiled." I didn't think you fools would follow me. Oh well, I guess I'll still have the priviledge of watching you die."

The demons stopped dead in their tracks as they felt an overwhelming pressure from the top of the hill.

"Yo Kris, Long time no see..."

The demons eyes looked upwards and there they saw Oumar sitting a top the body of a giant blue sourced Dragon. He rested his staff across his shoulders, his eyes glowed yellow and he had a smile on his face. His armor was stained with blood which dripped as he sat.

"I see he brought us some unruly guests." Asim spoke. He stood to the right of Oumar with his hands drenched in blood and his eyes glowing  blue.

"Awwnn he didn't have to." Kamil who stood to the left of Oumar rested his broad sword on his neck. he gave a sinister grin as blood dripped from it. Trails of blue energy rose from his eyes

"Hmmph." Robert scoffed. His face and hair had blood running down from it. He stood behind Oumar and rested on his broad sword. His eyes glowing with a dark blue colour.

"Alright boys." Oumar started. Their source energies rose together releasing a pressure that instilled fear into the demons.

Shall we take out the trash..."