An Unexpected Question (1)

Different from when he received the level up notification and received the 5 unused status points that he could use, the moment Robus leveled up, Blake could visibly see the already huge gorilla once again grow in size.

It wasn't anything massive like Robus doubling in size and becoming a giant as huge and tall as the trees, but the change was significant enough that Blake could notice the difference without paying too much attention to the huge gorilla.

The gorilla had at least grown one meter in height, along with his body also getting firmer and looking fuller than before.

'Did he put all his unused status points to his physique stat or something?' Blake thought to himself as he saw the very noticeable difference in Robus' physique.

'Should I do it too and pour all my unused status points into my physique right now?' Blake said in his mind as he opened up his status page once again.



Race: Darkness Demon

Level:12 (39/125)


Physique: 18