Learning More About the Humanoid Demons (2)

With the power he now held in his hands, Blake couldn't just imagine himself ever being in the same position as those weak and powerless scrawny demons.

But the truth said otherwise as only a couple of months ago, Blake was exactly in that same position, even more powerless than the scrawny demons that he found to be repulsing to his eyes.

But even though the feeling of disgust and slight contempt that he had when he looked at the scrawny demons, his hatred for the bullies, the bulky humanoid demons in the case, way overpowered the feeling of disgust that he felt.

He knew that he knew those scrawny humanoid demons were like that because of their weakness and powerlessness, he knew that he was pathetic because of his powerlessness and his inability to fight back.

But deep down, Blake couldn't just accept that the weak was the only one who was at fault here.