At The Second Humanoid Demon’s Base

With the second humanoid demon's base in sight, Blake then activated both his dark earth armor and the Child of the Dark Flame bloodline power.

The durable dark earth armor would protect him from any kind of attack while the fire bloodline power would boost his overall fighting power to almost unbeatable under normal circumstances.

"Robus, Cyra, we wouldn't be fighting them right away. We will observe the base for a while first before deciding anything. But just in case something unexpected were to happen, let's prepare ourselves first."

Being a flame elemental variant, Cyra was on standby mode all the time since her bloodline power was essentially activated all the time, even when she was resting.

While Robus on the other hand had only activated his bloodline power, the dark earth armor when the situation needed it or when Blake told him to be careful, just like what he had just told him.