Prepare Yourselves!



Race: Darkness Demon

Level:14 (174/175)


Physique: 25

Spirit: 55

Unused: 0

Bloodline Power:

(Darkness Demon) Monarch's Covenant

As a monarch, your subjects' power will be your strength and your power will be their strength. You will be able to make a pact with another demon. You will get their elemental affinity and bloodline power, in return, their darkness affinity will be multiplied depending on how high your darkness affinity is. (2/3)

(Earth Ape Demon) Dark Earth Armor

A variation of earth armor that had received a massive amount of darkness element. On top of the ordinary protection you get from the original earth armor, the darkness element would also enhance the defensive capability by absorbing some of the elements that were thrown into the armor to reinforce itself.

(Fire Variant Demon) Child of The Dark Flame