Fight (9)

The ball of pure darkness had been lying in wait, moving very slowly circling near the base of the dark flame wall before finally arriving at its destination.

Cyra had been aware of it due to how it radiated the same feeling of her own ability, which made sense considering the two were completely the same ability.

The ball of pure darkness was the driving force that pushed her to 'accidentally' move too far away from the dark flame walls and too close to the muscular humanoid demon.

She certainly didn't expect the muscular humanoid demon to suddenly show a new ability that she had never seen before. And she was definitely panicking when she saw a shockwave of the muscular humanoid demon's bloodline power.

However, now seeing the muscular humanoid demon's head still facing the ground and the ball of pure darkness hovering right above his muscular body, Cyra knew that her bet had paid off very well.